What's New?
Here's what's been going on lately around here:
- September 20, 2020
- Added production data from August BEP report; also updated a footnote on the 2013 $1 page to indicate that several pairs of
duplicate serial numbers have actually been matched up from the twice-printed B..*
- September 1, 2020
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2013 $5, 2013 $50,
and 2017 $1; also updated several pages with the
BEP's explanation of the reason for the existence of Series 2017A; also updated the Signers of U.S. Currency section with the end date of Jovita
Carranza's term in office
- August 21, 2020
- Added production data from July BEP report
- August 10, 2020
- Added production data from February through June BEP reports, in the process
creating a page for the 2017A $50 (but I'm on a
borrowed internet connection that I won't have access to for long, so this is
unfortunately not the resumption of regular updates, and some other things on
the site are still out of date, I'm afraid)
- February 29, 2020
- Updated the footnote on the 2017A $2 page again
after receiving several more reports of C..* notes still farther outside the BEP's
reported serial range
- February 22, 2020
- Changed a listing on the 2017A $20 page since
the BEP apparently tweaked the serial range for January's PL..A printing (guess that's
what happens when they post the January report before the month is over); also updated
the footnote on the 2017A $2 page after receiving
multiple reports of C..* notes even farther outside the BEP's reported serial range;
likewise updated the footnote regarding 1988A $1
star run L#1 after receiving a report of a note even farther outside the BEP's
reported serial range (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- February 2, 2020
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- January 31, 2020
- Updated the footnote on the 2013 $5 page to
indicate that some of the runs in the questionable ML..K printing have now been seen;
also updated the uncut sheets page with tighter
constraints on the serial ranges of the 2013 $1 A..D and 2017 $1 F..A sheets
- January 26, 2020
- Fixed a typo on the 2017 $1 page
- January 25, 2020
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2017 $10; also finally remembered to add Series 2017A
to the small-size chronology and various other
pages around the site; also updated the SOI $20 page
- January 23, 2020
- Added production data from December and January(!) BEP reports
- January 7, 2020
- Fixed the COPE/conventional data on 1977 $1 L..* run #9 and 1977 $5 B..* run #4 after receiving reports of notes
from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!)
- January 6, 2020
- Added a footnote to the 2017A $2 page regarding
the existence of C..* notes outside the BEP's reported serial ranges (thanks to
several folks for bringing these to my attention); also changed serial data for the 1950E $50 L..* after receiving a report of a note from
a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also added
additional 2003A $2 H888..E notes to the uncut sheets and other collector products page and to
the group list for that series; also updated the LEPE
and SOI $20 pages again
- January 5, 2020
- Updated the printable complex block checklist to
include Series 2013
- January 4, 2020
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2013 $2 and 2013
$100; also revised the 2013 $2 page to distinguish LEPE from COPE printings now
that all runs have been classified; also updated the LEPE page to reflect the fact that both LEPE and COPE
printings have been seen in the 2017A $2's
- January 3, 2020
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again (note that every 2013 $2 run
has now been classified as COPE or LEPE)
- December 4, 2019
- Added production data from November BEP report, in the process creating a page for
the 2017A $1; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 1, 2019
- Moved a 1985 $10 New York serial range up by a
few months (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for analyzing plate data and providing a more
accurate estimated printing date); also updated the uncut
sheets page with a tighter constraint on the serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A
sheets; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 18, 2019
- Added production data from June through October BEP reports, in the process
creating pages for the 2017A $2, $5, $10, and $100
- October 25, 2019
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..* after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the page on
standard print runs with one additional non-star
changeover point worked out from reported plate positions (thanks yet again to Dave
- October 24, 2019
- Changed the footnote regarding 1988A $10 star
run D#1 after receiving a report of a note even farther outside the BEP's reported
serial range (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the uncut sheets page with tighter constraints on the serial
ranges of the 2013 $1 A..D and 2017 $1 F..A sheets; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- October 7, 2019
- Added production data from February through May 2019 BEP reports, in the process
creating a page for the 2017A $20 (no, I do not
have an explanation for what's going on with the $20 serialling in these monthly
- August 14, 2019
- Changed the listing of 1995 $10 H..* run #1
from 3,200,000 notes to 640,000 (thanks to Dave Perkins for collecting enough data to
make the run size clear...but how did this one go unnoticed for so long?);
also added the new 2009 $50 JF..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to John Harris for the report!)
- August 8, 2019
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated all of the
denomination summary pages to include the past few
completed series (I think they'd last been updated in 2007!); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 7, 2019
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- June 30, 2019
- Updated the page on standard print runs with a few
additional changeover points based on recently observed 1950A $5 and $20 non-star
notes; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 14, 2019
- Deleted the listings for the 2009 $2 L..* block
after receiving confirmation that it was never actually printed (thanks to Steve
DeGennaro for passing along the results of a FOIA request!); also changed serial data
for the 1957 $1 *..B, 1950A $10 G..*, and 1950B
$50 B..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks to Dave Perkins for some of these!); also added the new 2003A $2 H888..G and
H888..L notes to the uncut sheets and other collector
products page and to the block and group lists for that series; also updated that
page with tighter constraints on the serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A sheets and fixed
its old link to the BEP web store to point to the U.S. Mint; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 30, 2019
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated a
footnote on the 1981A $10 page after receiving a
report of a note even farther outside of the reported serial range (thanks to Dave
Perkins for both of these!); also updated the uncut
sheets page with tighter constraints on the serial ranges of the 2013 $1 A..D and
2017 $1 F..A sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page
- March 14, 2019
- Deleted the listings for the 2003A $2 L..*
block after receiving confirmation that the printing was entirely destroyed at the BEP
(thanks to Bill Harter for passing along the results of a FOIA request!); also updated
the SOI $20 page again; also updated the printable serialling file with recent changes
- March 3, 2019
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $5 F..*, 1950A $10 K..*, and 1974
$10 A..* after observing notes from formerly questionable serial ranges; also
updated the page on standard print runs due to the
second of those changes
- February 19, 2019
- Added production data from January BEP report
- February 2, 2019
- Updated the uncut sheets page with tighter
constraints on the serial ranges of the 2013 $1 A..D and 2017 $1 F..A sheets; also
updated the LEPE and SOI
$20 pages again
- January 12, 2019
- Added production data from December BEP report
- December 21, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and the
1950A $10 F..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges
- December 19, 2018
- Added production data from November BEP report; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- November 23, 2018
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 19, 2018
- Corrected serial data for the 1969C $5 B..*
after receiving a report of a note showing that one serialling gap wasn't where I
thought it was (thanks to Dave Perkins for this!); also updated the uncut sheets page with tighter constraints on the serial
ranges of the 2013 $1 K..E and 2017 $1 F..A sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 9, 2018
- Added production data from October BEP report
- October 30, 2018
- Added a footnote to the 2013 $2 page regarding
the discovery of L..* notes with serials outside the range of the reported printings
(thanks to Brian Baba for reporting these!); also changed serial data for the 1950 $10 G..* after observing a note from a formerly
questionable serial range; also updated the uncut
sheets page with tighter constraints on the serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A
sheets; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- October 11, 2018
- Added production data from September BEP report; also updated the uncut sheets page with tighter constraints on the serial
ranges of the 2013 $1 A..D and 2017 $1 F..A sheets; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- September 25, 2018
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- September 15, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and the
1969 $10 B..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges; also added the new 2003A $2 H888..F notes to the uncut sheets and other collector products page and to
the block and group lists for that series; also updated that page with tighter
constraints on the serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A sheets
- September 14, 2018
- Added production data from August BEP report; also added a series statistics
table, and block and group lists, for the 2013 $10;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 24, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1985 $5 E..* and 1985 $20 E..* after accumulating enough observed
serials to make it fairly clear that the BEP swapped the printage totals for two star
runs (thanks to Bill Russell for the idea and Jim Hodgson for much of the data
- August 18, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range
- August 10, 2018
- Added production data from July BEP report
- July 31, 2018
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- July 30, 2018
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2013 $1 and 2013
- July 28, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..* and the
1950A $10 C..* and K..* after receiving reports of
notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave
- July 27, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B and 1969 $10 B..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges; also changed the estimated serial range for 2013 $1 G..* run 4 after receiving a report of a note
even farther outsite the range reported by the BEP (thanks again to Dave Perkins!);
also added the new 2003A $2 H888..D notes, and additional H888..C notes, to the uncut sheets and other collector products page and to
the group list for that series; also updated that page with tighter constraints on the
serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 16, 2018
- Added production data from June BEP report
- June 29, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 A..* and
L..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the uncut
sheets page with tighter constraints on the serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A
sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- June 27, 2018
- Added production data from May BEP report, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of the 2017 $10
- May 21, 2018
- Added production data from April BEP report; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- April 30, 2018
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- April 28, 2018
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and the
1950A $10 B..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges; also updated the LEPE and
SOI $20 pages again
- April 12, 2018
- Added production data from March BEP report; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- April 1, 2018
- Added images of Carranza and Mnuchin signatures to the Signers of
U.S. Currency section; also added the new 2013 $20 MD..A block and 2009 $2 K99..B
printing to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Alan
Gilfoy and Jay Prevatte respectively for the reports!); also updated that page with a
tighter constraint on the serial range of the 2017 $1 F..A sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 16, 2018
- Added production data from January and February BEP reports
- March 15, 2018
- Added the new 2017 $1 F..A block to the uncut
sheets page; also updated that page with a tighter constraint on the serial range
of the 2013 $1 A..D sheets; also changed serial data for the 1963A $20 L..* after receiving a report of a note from a
formerly questionable serial range (thanks again to Dave Perkins for several of
these!); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 19, 2018
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 12, 2018
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 2, 2018
- Added production data from December BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2017
- January 29, 2018
- Changed the footnote regarding 1985 $1 star run
E#1 after receiving a report of a note showing that this run unreported by the BEP
must have been a full run of 100,000 sheets (thanks to Dave Perkins yet again!)
- January 28, 2018
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- January 27, 2018
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- January 4, 2018
- Added production data from November BEP report; also changed the estimated serial
range for 2013 $1 G..* run #4 after receiving a
report of a note even farther outside the range reported by the BEP (thanks to Greg
Muselli!); also updated the uncut sheets page with
tighter constraints on the serial ranges of the 2013 $1 C..C and A..D sheets; also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 18, 2017
- Added production data from October BEP report, in the process adding a page for
the 2017 $1, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of Series 2017; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- December 10, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A, 1950A $5 B..*, and 1950A
$10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks to Dave Perkins for some of these!); in the case of the 1957 $1, also changed
one previously confirmed range back to questionable as it appears to have been based
on a misidentified note; also finally added the 2009 $2 "2017" notes to the page on sheet layouts for special printings; also updated the
SOI $20 page again
- December 2, 2017
- Added a footnote to the 2009 $100 page
regarding observed notes in the JD..A block with serials higher than the BEP reported
- November 26, 2017
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- October 28, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* and
the 1963A $20 E..* after receiving a report of a
note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- October 21, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $20 L..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the SOI $20 page
- October 16, 2017
- Added production data from September BEP report; also changed a footnote on the 1974 $100 page to reflect the fact that a note from
the never-reported D..* run has now been observed (thanks to Dave Perkins again for
that report!); also updated the printable serialling file
with recent changes
- October 14, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $10 L..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also
updated the uncut sheets page with an expanded
observed serial range for the 2013 $1 A..D sheets (thanks again to Dave Perkins for
both of these!); also updated the SOI $20 page
- October 6, 2017
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 16, 2017
- Updated the uncut sheets page with tighter
constraints on the serial ranges of the 2013 $1 C..C and A..D sheets; also updated the
SOI $20 page again
- September 10, 2017
- Updated the uncut sheets page with a tighter
constraint on the serial range of the 2013 $1 K..E sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- September 1, 2017
- Updated the uncut sheets page with tighter
constraints on the serial range of the 2013 $1 A..D sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 26, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $5 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also added the new 2013 $1 A..D block to the uncut sheets page, and updated that page with a tighter
constraint on the serial range of the 2013 $1 C..C sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 17, 2017
- Added production data from July BEP report
- August 13, 2017
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 7, 2017
- Added production data from June BEP report
- August 6, 2017
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 31, 2017
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 30, 2017
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- July 29, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 J..*, 1950A $10 C..* and F..*, 1950 $50 K..*, and 1977
$50 G..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks to Dave Perkins for these!); also updated the page on standard print runs due to the first of those changes;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 19, 2017
- Updated the LEPE page again
- July 15, 2017
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 7, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950D $50 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks to Dave
Perkins for this one!); also changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C after observing a note from a formerly
questionable serial range; also updated the uncut
sheets page again with a tighter constraint on the serial range of the 2013 $1
C..C sheets
- June 25, 2017
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..B and K..C "2017" notes to the uncut sheets and other collector products page and to
the group list for that series; also updated a footnote on the 1988 $1 page after receiving a report of a note even
farther outside of the reported serial range (thanks to Dave Perkins for this one!);
also updated the printable serialling file with these and
other recent changes; also updated the SOI $20 page
- June 19, 2017
- Added production data from May BEP report; also added entries for new Treasury
Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza to the small-size chronology and currency
signers pages, though of course I don't have images of their official signatures
- June 16, 2017
- Fixed a typo in the series statistics table for the 1981 $100 (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for the catch!);
also changed serial data for the 1950A $10 G..* after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the uncut sheets page again with tighter constraints on the
serial range of the 2013 $1 C..C and K..E sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 29, 2017
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 23, 2017
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- May 22, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and 1950A $5 J..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges
- May 15, 2017
- Updated the uncut sheets page again with tighter
constraints on the serial range of the 2013 $1 C..C sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 10, 2017
- Added production data from April BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the group list for the 2009A $100
- May 2, 2017
- Added a footnote to the 2013 $1 page regarding
the discovery of G..* notes with serials outside the range of the reported printings;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- April 19, 2017
- Added production data from March BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- April 16, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 F..* and 1950A $10 B..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges; also updated the SOI $20
page again
- April 4, 2017
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- March 25, 2017
- Updated a footnote on the 2013 $1 page to
reflect the fact that the unreported A..* printing is pretty definitely two full runs;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 20, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 16, 2017
- Added production data from January and February BEP reports, in the process making
the necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100; also changed serial data for the 1969 $20 B..* after obtaining a note from a formerly
questionable serial range
- March 13, 2017
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 4, 2017
- Updated the printable serialling file and complex
block checklist with recent changes
- March 3, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B after
obtaining a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- February 25, 2017
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 11, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A after
obtaining a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the Signers of U.S. Currency section with the end date of Jack Lew's term
in office; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 20, 2017
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 G..* and the
1963A $5 E..* and L..* after receiving reports of
notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins for some
of these!); also updated the uncut sheets page again
with tighter constraints on the serial range of the 2013 $1 C..C sheets
- January 16, 2017
- Updated a footnote on the 2013 $1 page to
reflect the fact that both Washington and Fort Worth notes are now known in all three
B..* runs; also updated the uncut sheets page with
tighter constraints on the serial range of the 2013 $1 C..C sheets; also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- January 13, 2017
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..R block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and groups lists (thanks to Steve DeGennaro
for reporting this one!); also updated the page on sheet layouts for special printings with the probable
layouts for the 2009 $2 K..B and K..C "2016" notes from the Texas $2 Step sets (thanks
to Jon Winberg for information on these!)
- January 10, 2017
- Added production data from December BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100; also updated the uncut sheets page with a tighter constraint on the
serial range of the 2013 $1 C..C sheets (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated
the SOI $20 page again
- January 7, 2017
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..Q block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists (thanks to Dave Perkins for
reporting this!); also finally reformatted that uncut sheets page to accommodate the
50-subject sheets, and added the 2013 $1 K..E and C..C blocks as well; also updated
the SOI $20 page again
- December 21, 2016
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 19, 2016
- Updated the notes on the 2013 $1 page regarding
the A..* and B..* printings to reflect recent reports of these notes in circulation
(thanks again to Dave Perkins for these!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- December 15, 2016
- Added production data from November BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- November 27, 2016
- Updated the SOI $20 page to reflect the fact that
the Fort Worth facility is now printing SOI $20's too; also updated the LEPE page again
- November 21, 2016
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- November 19, 2016
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 17, 2016
- Added production data from October BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- November 5, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C after
obtaining a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- October 27, 2016
- Changed the note on the 2013 $1 page to
indicate that both Washington and Fort Worth notes have now been seen in B..* run #1;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- October 23, 2016
- Updated the printable serialling file and complex
block checklist with recent changes
- October 22, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 C..* and 1950B $10 B..*, and fixed the COPE/conventional data on the 1969B $1 B..B, after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins for these!); also
updated the LEPE and SOI
$20 pages again
- October 13, 2016
- Added production data from August and September BEP reports, in the process making
the necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- September 6, 2016
- Added another A..* print run to the 2013 $1
page after receiving a report of a note from a second serial range never
reported by the BEP (thanks to Steve DeGennaro!)
- August 18, 2016
- Added a page on sheet layouts for special
printings, explaining the unexpected plate positions that appear on certain of the
BEP's premium products
- August 16, 2016
- Added production data from July BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- August 11, 2016
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- August 10, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 K..* and 1950A $10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins again!); also updated the
SOI $20 page again
- August 8, 2016
- Added a missing serial range to the 1977 $20
page (thanks to C Jones for catching the error!); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 7, 2016
- Added a note to the 2006 $100 page, and changed
the note on the 2006A $100 page, to reflect the
word from the BEP on the Fort Worth notes of these series; also fixed a typo that
appeared on the 1969B $5 and 1969C $5 pages; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 6, 2016
- Extended the monthly production breakdowns on the 1974 $50 and 1974
$100 pages back to the start of that series, and added monthly production
breakdowns to the 1969C $50 and 1969C $100 pages, though this data is only available
back to February 1974 at the moment; also changed serial data for the 1969C $100 E..A
and J..A blocks since this new information establishes that gaps exist in their
serialling; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 31, 2016
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..P block, and the 2009 $2 K..B and K..C "2016" notes, to
the uncut sheets and other collector products page
and to the relevant block and group lists; also extended the monthly production
breakdown on the 1974 $20 page back to the start of
that series, and added a monthly production breakdown to the 1969C $20 page, though this data is only available
back to January 1974 at the moment
- July 26, 2016
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 24, 2016
- Extended the monthly production breakdown on the 1974 $10 page back to the start of that series, and
added a monthly production breakdown to the 1969C
$10 page, though this data is only available back to January 1974 at the moment;
also changed serial data for the 1974 $10 B..*, D..*, and E..* since this new
information fixes the locations of the serial gaps and the lengths of the unknown runs
in those star printings
- July 16, 2016
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- July 14, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C and the
1969A $10 G..* after receiving reports of notes
from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave Perkins!)
- July 11, 2016
- Added production data from June BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- July 8, 2016
- Updated several pages around the site with the end date of Rosa Gumataotao Rios's
term in office; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- July 4, 2016
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- July 1, 2016
- Updated the LEPE vs. COPE page to reflect the fact
that LEPE printings are now known in the $2 denomination; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- June 19, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 B..* and
K..*, and the 1950A $10 B..* and C..*, after
receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to
Dave Perkins for these!); also updated the SOI $20 page
- June 7, 2016
- Added production data from May BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- May 14, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $5 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the SOI $20 page
- May 11, 2016
- Added production data from April BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
$100; also added a print run of 2013 $1 A..*
notes that's been seen in circulation despite never appearing in the BEP production
reports (thanks to Michael Trapp for spotting this one!)
- April 12, 2016
- Added production data from March BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
$100; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 26, 2016
- Updated the printable complex block checklist with
the recent 2009 $2 sheet blocks and such; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 15, 2016
- Moved the 2001 $1 K..*, 2003 $10 DA..*, 2004A
$10 GF..*, and 2004A $20 GA..* from the listings
of circulation printings to the listings of collector printings, since in each case it
appears that none were issued for circulation; also posted a new version of the printable serialling file which is updated with these and
other recent changes and expanded to include Series 2009; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 12, 2016
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 10, 2016
- Added production data from February BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100
- March 7, 2016
- Added the new 2013 $2 K..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Steve DeGennaro for the report!)
- February 15, 2016
- Changed the note on the 2009 $100 page to
indicate that these long-sequestered notes have finally started to appear in
circulation; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 8, 2016
- Added production data from January BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100; also added the new 2009 $2 K..N block to
the uncut sheets page and to the relevant block and
group lists
- January 31, 2016
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..G and K..J blocks to the uncut sheets page and to the relevant block and group
lists; also changed serial data for the 1950D $5
F..* after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range
(thanks again to Dave Perkins); also corrected typos in the group lists for the 1969D $1, 1977A $1, 1981 $5, and 1977 $50
(thanks to Pencic Miodrag for catching these!)
- January 23, 2016
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..H block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists; also de-listed the 1981A $1
B..C, 1985 $1 C..B, and 1976 $2 B..A blocks from the uncut sheets page (these had been
listed as doubtful for years and still haven't turned up); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 17, 2016
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..L and K..M blocks to the uncut sheets page and to the relevant block and group
- January 15, 2016
- Added production data from December BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100
- January 9, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1988A $5 E..*, 1988A $20 B..*, and 1990 $50 B..* to accord with what appears to be a more
reliable source; also updated the printable serialling
file with these and other recent changes; also revised the 2009 $1 page, and the corresponding block and group
lists, to distinguish LEPE from COPE printings now that all runs have been classified;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 8, 2016
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 C..*, 1950C $10 E..*, 1963A
$10 G..*, 1950A $50 G..*, and 1950B $50 G..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins for these!); also
updated the LEPE page again (note that every
2009 $1 run has now been classified as COPE or LEPE)
- December 31, 2015
- Extended the monthly production breakdown on the 1974 $5 page back to the start of that series, and
added a monthly production breakdown to the 1969C
$5 page, though this data is only available back to January 1974 at the moment;
also changed serial data for the 1969C $5 B..* and F..* since this new information
fixes the locations of the serial gaps in those star printings
- December 29, 2015
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..K block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists; also updated the LEPE page again
- December 19, 2015
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..F and K..I blocks to the uncut sheets page and to the relevant block and group
lists; also changed serial data for the 2013 $1
B..* after receiving official word from the BEP on the lengths of the unreported runs
(thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for FOIA-ing this and passing it along!); also corrected a
typo made last month on the 1974 $20 page; also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 8, 2015
- Added production data from November BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100; also added the new 2009 $2 K..E block to
the uncut sheets page and to the relevant block and
group lists
- December 7, 2015
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..C block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists
- December 4, 2015
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..D block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists
- December 1, 2015
- Updated the LEPE page again
- November 30, 2015
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 28, 2015
- Added the new 2009 $2 K..B block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists; also updated the printable complex block checklist to include Series 2009;
also moved one print run of Kansas City notes from the 1950D $5 page to the 1950C $5 page after receiving a scan of a 1950C note
in a supposed 1950D serial range
- November 26, 2015
- Fixed a typo made last month in the grouplist for the 1990 $100; also updated the printable serialling file with this and other recent
- November 25, 2015
- Added production data from October BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
$100; also added a monthly production breakdown to the 1969D $1 page, though this data is only available back
to December 1973 at the moment
- November 24, 2015
- Extended the monthly production breakdown on the 1974 $1 page back to the start of that series in July
1974; also changed serial data for the 1969C $10
B..* and F..* after obtaining official information on the locations of the serial gaps
in those star printings (again, thanks to Peter Huntoon for tracking down this
- November 20, 2015
- Finally filled in the long-missing production data from the March 1978
BEP report, after a transcript of that report actually turned up after all these
years (many, many thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for tracking that down!); also
extended the monthly production breakdown on the 1976
$2 page back to the start of that series in December 1975 (another many
thanks to Peter Huntoon for digging up this older BEP production data!); also updated
the SOI $20 page again
- November 5, 2015
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- October 29, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..*, and
fixed the COPE/conventional data on the 1974 $5 G..C, after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges; also changed the listing of 1990 $100 J..* run #1 from 80,000 sheets to 84,000
after receiving a report of a note that clarified another doubtful BEP monthly report
(thanks to Dave Perkins for all of these!); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- October 15, 2015
- Added production data from September BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A $100
- October 3, 2015
- Added another B..* print run to the 2013 $1
page after receiving a report of a note from a third serial range never
reported by the BEP (thanks to Karol Winograd!)
- September 28, 2015
- Added production data from August BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- September 19, 2015
- Changed the listing of 1988A $1 B..* run #3
from 40,000 sheets to 20,000 (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for collecting enough data on
this run to shed some light on some confusion in a BEP monthly report); also changed
serial data for the 1950B $5 D..*, 1950A $10 B..*, and 1950D
$10 G..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins for these); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- September 12, 2015
- Fixed the COPE/conventional data on the 1974 $5 K..B after obtaining a conventional note from
a serial range of formerly questionable status (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 25, 2015
- Added the new 2013 $5 MF..A block to the uncut
sheets page
- August 24, 2015
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 19, 2015
- Added production data from July BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- August 15, 2015
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- August 13, 2015
- Added production data from June BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- August 12, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 G..* and 1950A $10 G..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- August 2, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!)
- July 30, 2015
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- July 2, 2015
- Added production data from May BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
- June 29, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 F..*, 1950B $5 G..*, 1950B
$10 B..*, 1950C $10 B..*, and 1963A $10 G..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for these!); also updated
the LEPE and SOI $20
pages again
- June 26, 2015
- Added another B..* print run to the 2013 $1
page after receiving a report of a note from a second serial range never
reported by the BEP; also updated the LEPE page
- June 2, 2015
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- June 1, 2015
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- May 31, 2015
- Updated the History of Currency Designs with information on
the recent small printing changes related to the BEP's newest presses; also updated a
link on the Links and References page due to the BEP's website
- May 29, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 G..* and 1950B $10 F..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- May 22, 2015
- Added production data from April BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009A
$100; also updated a note on the 1988A $1
grouplist to indicate that duplicated serials have now actually been observed in the
K..A uncut sheet printings (thanks to Dave Perkins for tracking this down!); also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 8, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $5 L..* and 1950A $10 C..* and D..* after receiving reports of notes
from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for most of these!);
also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- April 14, 2015
- Added production data from March BEP report; also added a B..* print run to the 2013 $1 page after receiving reports of notes from a
serial range never reported by the BEP (thanks to Mike Trapp!); also changed serial
data for the 1950 $50 E..* after receiving a report
of a note beyond the highest previously observed (thanks to Dave Perkins!); also
updated the LEPE and SOI
$20 pages again
- March 22, 2015
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- March 20, 2015
- Added production data from February BEP report
- March 16, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1969C $50 H..A
block to show a serialling gap that appears to exist, after receiving reports of notes
that shed light on some ambiguity in the BEP records (thanks again to Dave Perkins for
these!); also updated the printable serialling file with
these and other recent changes
- March 15, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 E..* and 1963A $5 G..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges; also fixed a typo on the 2009 $1 block list (thanks to Fred Melko for the
catch!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- March 14, 2015
- Rearranged listings for 1981 $50 star notes
since data on observed notes has made it increasingly clear that the supposed F..*
printing was actually a J..* printing erroneously reported for the wrong district;
also changed serial data for the 1950C $50 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins for both of these!); also added image of Nebeker signature to the Signers of U.S. Currency section
- March 6, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 F..* and the
1950A $10 A..*, B..*, G..*, and L..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave
Perkins!); also fixed a typo on the 2013 $5 page
(thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for the catch!)
- February 21, 2015
- Added image of Chittenden signature to the Signers of U.S.
Currency section; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 16, 2015
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 14, 2015
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 5, 2015
- Added production data from January BEP report
- January 31, 2015
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also uploaded scans of (most of) the original BEP monthly reports for 1976-2002; also
updated the LEPE and SOI
$20 pages again
- January 26, 2015
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $50 G..* and
1950E $5 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave Perkins!); also
corrected an error on the 1993 $20 page (thanks
again to Joe Farrenkopf for the catch!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- January 15, 2015
- Added production data from December BEP report; also changed serial data for the
1963A $5 F..* and 1950C
$10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE
and SOI $20 pages again
- January 9, 2015
- Added production data from November BEP report; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- January 2, 2015
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- December 23, 2014
- Corrected a typo made yesterday on the SOI $20
- December 22, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- December 7, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 18, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $20 L..* and
1950C $20 L..* after receiving a report of a note
from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks to Bobby Jo Boyles for this one!);
also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 15, 2014
- Changed the listings for the 1995 $10 Y-block
premium notes to better reflect the serial ranges actually printed (thanks once again
to Dave Perkins for compiling data on these!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- November 10, 2014
- Added production data from October BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1 and 2009A $100 and updating several pages
around the site to reflect the existence of the 2013
$100; also updated the LEPE page again
- November 6, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1974 $100 D..A
block to reflect what's in the BEP records rather than what's in the references; also
listed the formerly questionable 1977 $5 L..* run
#3 as a COPE printing, after finally getting a scan of an extant note; also changed
the serial range listed for the 1995 $10 J..Y premium
notes after receiving confirmation of a note outside the expected range (thanks to
Dave Perkins for several of these!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- November 3, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- November 2, 2014
- Corrected serial data for the 1977 $100 F..A
and cleared up questionable data on the 1974 $5
A..B after obtaining original copies of some BEP reports for the relevant years
(thanks to Michele Orzano!); also corrected minor typos on the 1974 $50, 1977 $1,
1977 $10, 1977
$20, 1977 $100, and 1977A $1 pages; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- October 20, 2014
- Added production data from September BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009 $1 (the first 'X' block in fifteen years!) and 2009A $100; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- October 11, 2014
- Removed a number of question marks from the uncut sheet listings in the grouplists
for the 1988A $1, 2003A
$1, 2003A $2, and 2006 $50 after receiving reports of enough sheet serials
to fairly solidly establish the serial ranges printed (thanks yet again to Dave
Perkins for compiling data on these sheets!)
- October 10, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $5 F..* and 1963A $10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- October 6, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- October 2, 2014
- Added J.N. Huston's first and middle names to the Signers
of U.S. Currency section; also updated the LEPE
page again
- September 30, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950C $50 G..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly unknown serial range; also changed
serial data for the 1950 $10 G..* after receiving a
report of a note outside the official serial range (thanks to Dave Perkins for both
of these!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- September 13, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $5 G..* and 1950A $10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- September 9, 2014
- Added production data from August BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1 and 2009A $100
- September 7, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- August 25, 2014
- Changed serial data for one run of the 2009 $1
B..* after receiving several reports of notes outside the range given in the December
2013 BEP report; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- August 11, 2014
- Updated the LEPE page again
- August 9, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- August 7, 2014
- Added a series statistics table, and block and group lists, for the 2009A $100
- August 5, 2014
- Added production data from July BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
- August 4, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- July 24, 2014
- Added production data from June BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1; also changed serial data for the 1950D $50
C..* after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also corrected a typo on the 1963A $10 page (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for the
catch!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- July 19, 2014
- Moved a 2009A $100 star run from Minneapolis to
San Francisco in order to fix an apparent error in the May 2013 BEP report (thanks to
Randolph Grimes for reporting an LL..* note from the run in question); also changed
serial data for the 1963A $5 L..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf
and Dave Perkins for these); also updated the LEPE and
SOI $20 pages again
- July 12, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- July 11, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- July 6, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1969 $5 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- June 26, 2014
- Added the new 2003A $2 I..D "2014" notes to the
grouplist for that series; also updated the LEPE page
- June 19, 2014
- Added production data from May BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- June 9, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- May 28, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $50 B..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- May 20, 2014
- Added the new 2003A $2 J..D "2014" notes to the
grouplist for that series; also updated the printable
serialling file with this and other recent changes; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- May 17, 2014
- Added a long-requested page on plate position
arithmetic; also updated the LEPE page again
- May 16, 2014
- Finally updated the Serial Numbering and Features of Current Notes pages to reflect the existence
of LEPE overprinting and 50-subject sheets; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 15, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 G..* and 1950B $10 A..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!)
- May 14, 2014
- Added production data from April BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1 and updating several pages around the site to reflect the existence of the 2013 $50; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- May 4, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- May 3, 2014
- Added image of Lew signature to the Signers of U.S. Currency
section; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- May 1, 2014
- Added production data from March BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1; also changed serial data for the 1935E $1
star notes after receiving a report of a note, from a formerly questionable serial
range, that finally pins down the locations of all the star gaps in this
series by process of elimination (thanks again to Dave Perkins for this report!);
also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- April 28, 2014
- Updated the LEPE page again, with the first
reported LEPE printing from the Washington, DC facility
- April 25, 2014
- Added the new 2009 $2 A..A block to the uncut
sheets page; also changed serial data for the 1963A
$5 G..* after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial
range (thanks to Dave Perkins for both of these!); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- April 21, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- April 17, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also cleaned up some broken links on
the links and references page
- April 2, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- March 30, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* and 1950B $50 L..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- March 24, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1974 $10 A..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks to Dave
Perkins again!); also updated the SOI $20 page again,
adding Series 2013 to the listings since old-press $20's have started to appear for
the first time since Series 2006
- March 20, 2014
- Added production data from February BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2009 $1; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- March 14, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 F..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins)
- March 13, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- March 6, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- March 5, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1935E $1 *..F and 1950D $5 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- February 28, 2014
- Added the new 2009A $100 LF..A block to the uncut
sheets page
- February 27, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 21, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $10 F..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 15, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 E..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins); also updated the LEPE page
- February 12, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 9, 2014
- Updated the LEPE page again
- February 7, 2014
- Added production data from January BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2009
$1; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- February 3, 2014
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- January 27, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1969C $5 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks yet
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- January 25, 2014
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- January 23, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- January 13, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 E..* and
F..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- January 10, 2014
- Added a series statistics table, and block and group lists, for the 2009 $1
- January 8, 2014
- Added production data from December BEP report; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- January 3, 2014
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $20 G..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- December 31, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- December 20, 2013
- Added a series statistics table, and block and group lists, for the 2009 $50; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- December 19, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks yet
again to Dave Perkins); also updated the printable
serialling file with this and other recent changes; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- December 18, 2013
- Added production data from November BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2013 $1
and 2013 $2
- December 10, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- December 2, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also revised a footnote on the 1935E
$1 page to reflect the discovery that the inverted-star error in that series
affected only part of a print run; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 26, 2013
- Posted a new version of the printable serialling file
which is updated with recent changes and expanded to include Series 2006A
- November 25, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 23, 2013
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2009 $10 and 2009
$20; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- November 18, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..*, 1950B $10 C..*, 1950D
$10 B..*, 1963A $20 G..*, and 1950D $100 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave Perkins!); also updated
the LEPE and SOI $20
pages again
- November 8, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B and 1969A $20 E..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- November 6, 2013
- Added production data from October BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2013 $10
and 2013 $20; also added a series statistics table,
and block and group lists, for the 2009 $5; also
revised the listing for the unreported 2009 $1 H..*
run to move it to roughly its correct time of production; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- November 1, 2013
- Fixed a few sheets vs. notes issues in the 1988A and 1990 star notes; also updated
the LEPE and SOI $20
pages again
- October 26, 2013
- Corrected serial data for the 1988A $1 B..*, 1988A $20 B..*, 1990
$10 G..*, and 1990 $20 G..*, and cleared up a
few other questionable ranges in Series 1988A and 1990, based on original copies of
the BEP reports for the relevant years
- October 24, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..*, E..*,
and H..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE
and SOI $20 pages again
- October 5, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..*, C..*,
and G..* and the 1963A $5 E..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave
Perkins!); also corrected serial data for the 1985
$10 A..*, 1985 $20 A..* and G..*, and 1985 $50 B..* and F..A, and cleared up a few other
questionable ranges in Series 1985, based on original copies of the BEP reports for
the relevant years; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- October 2, 2013
- Added production data from September BEP report
- September 28, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $50 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also corrected serial data for the 1981 $1 B..*, and cleared up questionable data on the
C..*, J..*, and L..*, after finally obtaining original copies of the BEP
reports for the relevant years (thanks again to Doug Murray!); also corrected minor
typos on the 1977 $20, 1981 $5, and 1981
$10 pages; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- September 21, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 C..* and
L..* and 1950D $50 L..* after receiving reports of
notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also
updated the printable serialling file with these and
other recent changes
- September 19, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- September 10, 2013
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 9, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- September 5, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950D $100 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE page again;
also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 28, 2013
- Added a footnote to the 1981 $1 page regarding
the uncertain length of B..* run #10; also updated the printable serialling file with this and other recent
- August 27, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1988 $1 B..* after
receiving a report of a note even farther outside the official serial range; also
listed the formerly questionable 1977 $5 B..* run
#5 as a COPE printing, after finally getting a scan of an extant note; also corrected
the formerly questionable high serial of the 1988A
$20 on Dallas after receiving confirmation of a note from the last print run
(thanks to Dave Perkins for all of these!); also updated the LEPE page again
- August 26, 2013
- Updated the LEPE page again; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- August 20, 2013
- Corrected a typo in the series statistics for the 1935E $1; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
- August 16, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- August 10, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- August 9, 2013
- Updated the LEPE page again; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- August 8, 2013
- Added a footnote to the 2006A $100 page
regarding the lack of the "FW" mark on (at least) some of the Fort Worth notes; also
corrected multiple typos in the grouplists for the 1969B
$1 and 1969D $1; also updated the LEPE page again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- August 6, 2013
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the LEPE page again
- August 5, 2013
- Added production data from July BEP report, in the process adding a page for the
2013 $5, and updated several pages around the site
to reflect the existence of Series 2013; also added a series statistics table, and
block and group lists, for the 2006A $100; also
updated the LEPE page again; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- August 4, 2013
- Fixed a typo made last week on the 2009 $1
page; also removed the second run of 2003A $1 E..A
uncut sheets from the grouplist for that series (only one sheet was ever observed and
it was probably a misreported Series 2003 sheet); also updated the LEPE page again
- July 31, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again
- July 30, 2013
- Added production data from May and June BEP reports
- July 26, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the serialling pages for the remaining denominations
of the 1880 USNs; also updated the LEPE page again;
also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- July 20, 2013
- Corrected a typo in the grouplist for the 1977
$100; also updated the LEPE page again; also
updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- July 18, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- July 15, 2013
- Updated the 1862 $10 USN page to reflect the
discovery of a new variety, with the high seal and the starburst (thanks to
Doug Murray for passing along the word of this one!)
- July 13, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- July 5, 2013
- Added the new additional 2003A $2 I..D and J..D
"2013" notes to the grouplist for that series; also updated the printable serialling file with this and other recent
changes; also updated the serialling pages for several denominations of the 1880
- July 4, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- July 1, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1963A $20 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE page again;
also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- June 25, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 E..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- June 22, 2013
- Updated the LEPE page again; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- June 14, 2013
- Added the new 2009 $1 A..A block to the uncut
sheets page
- June 12, 2013
- Updated the LEPE page again; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- June 8, 2013
- Added a page about the symbols that were used
in serial numbers on many large-size notes; also updated the printable serialling file with recent changes
- June 7, 2013
- Updated and revised the footnotes on the SOI $20
page to reflect a better understanding of how the mixed runs work
- June 6, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 G..*, 1963A $5 F..*, and 1974
$10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the LEPE
and SOI $20 pages again
- June 1, 2013
- Added production data from January 2013 through April 2013 BEP reports (thanks to
Mike Crabb for obtaining these via FOIA and passing them along!); also changed serial
data for the 1950A $10 D..* and E..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave
Perkins for these); also updated the LEPE page
- May 31, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
again; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- May 18, 2013
- Added the new 2003A $2 J..D "2013" notes to the uncut
sheets and other collector products page; also corrected typos in the grouplist
for the 2004A $20 and the series statistics for the
1963A $10; also updated the printable serialling file with these and other recent
changes; also updated the SOI $20 page again; also
updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- May 14, 2013
- Corrected serial data for the 1974 $5 H..*
after receiving a report of a note from a range that was skipped according to BEP
records; also changed serial data for the 1957 $1
*..C, and 1950A $5 G..* after receiving reports of
notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for all of
these); also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- May 4, 2013
- Corrected the changeover point between the 1950A and 1950B
$100 notes on Dallas after receiving confirmation of several notes outside the
official ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for the umpty-twelfth time!); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
again; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- April 30, 2013
- Added the new 2003A $2 I..D "2013" notes to the uncut
sheets and other collector products page; also changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A, 1950A $10
E..*, 1950D $10 L..*, 1950A $50 C..*, and 1950B $50 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for these); also updated
the LEPE page again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- April 25, 2013
- Updated the 2009 $100 and 2009A $100 pages, and the History of Currency Designs section, with the
newly-announced release date for the Kodachrome $100; also updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages
again; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- April 20, 2013
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the LEPE page again
- April 19, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and 1950A $5 E..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
LEPE and SOI $20 pages
again; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- April 10, 2013
- Updated the LEPE and SOI $20 pages again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- April 9, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 K..*, 1950C $5 J..*, 1950D
$5 B..*, and 1950B $10 G..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave
Perkins!); also updated the printable serialling file
with these and other recent changes; also updated the LEPE page again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- April 5, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950D $50 L..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
to Dave Perkins again!)
- April 4, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and
*..B, 1969 $20 B..*, and 1950D $50 G..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins again); also updated the
LEPE page again; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- April 1, 2013
- Updated the LEPE page again; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- March 29, 2013
- Updated the LEPE page and linked it from the 2009 $1 page; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- March 27, 2013
- Added a new page about LEPE overprinting to keep
track of the $1 notes that are now being printed on the new equipment; also updated
the information on unreported recent printings again
- March 25, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $10 B..* and 1969 $10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for these); also updated
the printable serialling file with these and other recent
changes; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- March 20, 2013
- Corrected a typo on the 2009 $20 page made
during last week's update; also updated the information on unreported recent printings
- March 19, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 H..* after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 15, 2013
- Added production data from October 2012 through December 2012 BEP reports (thanks
to Willis Russell for obtaining these via FOIA and passing them along!)
- March 8, 2013
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 7, 2013
- Deleted two print runs of the 2006 $20 IG..C
block after receiving confirmation that they were entirely destroyed at the BEP
(thanks to Melvyn Kassenoff for passing along the results of a FOIA request!); also
changed serial data for the 1950 $20 H..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks to Dave
Perkins again); also added a new survey for the recently discovered 1935F $1 inverted 'M' error; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- March 2, 2013
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- March 1, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950C $10 B..* and 1963A $5 G..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins again!)
- February 28, 2013
- Added an entry for new Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew to the small-size chronology and currency
signers pages, though of course I don't have an image of the signature he'll use
on currency yet; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 22, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and
*..B, 1950A $5 H..*, 1950A $10 G..*, and 1950
$50 E..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the information on unreported recent
printings again
- February 21, 2013
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- February 16, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* and
F..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks
again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the printable
serialling file with these and other recent changes; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- February 12, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 G..* and 1950B $10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 9, 2013
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- February 7, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..* and 1950A $10 J..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- January 31, 2013
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- January 26, 2013
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 25, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and *..C
and 1950 $20 C..* after receiving reports of notes
from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave Perkins); also
updated several pages around the site with the end date of Timothy Geithner's term in
- January 21, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $50 E..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
yet again to Dave Perkins!)
- January 19, 2013
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- January 18, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950E $10 G..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
again to Dave Perkins); also updated the information on unreported recent printings
- January 15, 2013
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 D..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks to Dave
Perkins again!); also updated the information on unreported recent printings again;
also (finally) updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 5, 2013
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- December 30, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $20 L..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also posted a
new version of the printable serialling file which is
expanded to include the 18-subject series and Series 2006
- December 20, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 L..*, 1950A $10 A..* and G..*, and 1950B $10 L..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- December 8, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- November 19, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with
yesterday's changes
- November 18, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 E..*, 1963A $10 G..*, and 1963A
$20 L..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins for these); also changed the serial number range listed
for the 1988A $1 C..B block uncut sheets, after
receiving a report of a note refuting my previous best guess at the serial range
(thanks to Anthony Cortesi for this one)
- November 9, 2012
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2009 $2 and 2009
- November 6, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the printable serialling file with this change
- November 5, 2012
- Added production data from April 2012 through September 2012 BEP reports
(many thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for obtaining these via FOIA and passing them
along!), in the process making the necessary additions to the block and group lists
for the 2006 $100
- November 2, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- November 1, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- October 27, 2012
- Added the new 2009 $2 B..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Tim Hughes for the report!); also adjusted that page to
reflect the fact that the 2009 $1 C..C is no longer a sheet-only block; also changed
serial data for the 1950D $10 G..*, 1950 $20 F..*, and 1950A
$20 F..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the information on unreported recent
printings again
- October 26, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- October 22, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- October 11, 2012
- Added the new 2009 $1 B..B block to the uncut
sheets page; also moved a 1985 $1 Philadelphia
serial range down by a few months (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for analyzing plate data
and providing a more accurate estimated printing date); also updated the information
on unreported recent printings again
- October 2, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- September 29, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- September 27, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 C..* and
E..* and the 1950C $10 G..* after receiving reports
of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!);
also added images of Bruce, Hyatt, and Wyman signatures to the Signers of U.S. Currency section; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- September 26, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- September 21, 2012
- Made a variety of small revisions to the large-size
serial numbering section, in the DNs and the 1862 through 1878 USNs (many thanks
to Doug Murray for providing a complete update of the large-size serialling data,
which I'll be rolling out for other series and types as I'm able to get around to
- September 18, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950C $50 D..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins); also updated the information on unreported recent printings
- September 6, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- September 1, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also fixed a typo on the delivery dates
page (the 1934B $100 date was wrong; thanks to Dave Perkins for the catch!); also
updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 30, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 27, 2012
- Added the newly discovered second uncut-sheet printing of the 2003 $2 I..A block
to the group list for that series (thanks to Dave
Perkins for spotting this one--how did it go unnoticed for so long?!); also changed
serial data for the 1950D $100 L..* and the 1963A $5 L..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for these as well); also
updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 21, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* after
receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to
Dave Perkins!); also updated the information on unreported recent printings again;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- August 20, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 13, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 8, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- August 6, 2012
- Revised the listing of the very confused 2006
$1 B..* run #3 in the hope of lessening the confusion somewhat; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- August 4, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- August 3, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A and *..B
after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to
Ed Zegers for these!); also updated the information on unreported recent printings
again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 26, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- July 23, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 B..* and
E..* and the 1950A $50 E..* after receiving reports
of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!);
also updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- July 17, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 14, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 9, 2012
- Updated the last couple of paragraphs in the History of
Currency Designs section to reflect the fact that the release date for the
Kodachrome $100 appears to have slipped into 2013; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again
- July 5, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 G..* and 1950B $10 G..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- June 19, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- June 14, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- June 9, 2012
- Added the new 2009 $1 J..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Tim Hughes for the report); also changed the serial number
range listed for the 2001 $1 B..A block uncut sheets,
after receiving a report of a sheet refuting my previous best guess at the serial
range; also changed serial data for the 1935E $1
*..F, 1950A $5 G..*, 1950A $10 E..*, 1950A
$20 L..*, and 1950B $100 B..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave
- May 30, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1935E $1 *..F, 1950B $5 G..*, and 1950A
$20 L..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the information on unreported recent
printings again
- May 29, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings to include the first
circulation report of the 2009 $2
- May 22, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- May 21, 2012
- Added data on recent printings that have appeared in circulation since the last
obtainable BEP production report (here we go again...); also changed serial data for
the 1950E $5 B..*, 1950A
$10 B..* and J..*, 1950B $10 G..*, 1950C $10 B..*, and 1963A
$10 L..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also fixed a typo in the group list for the 2001 $50
- May 17, 2012
- Added more detailed serial breakdowns for the star notes to the group lists for the 1950A through 1950E $50 and $100 FRNs; also
corrected a typo in the printage total for the 1950B
$100 B..*
- May 15, 2012
- Added the new 2003A $2 J..D "2012" notes to the uncut
sheets and other collector products page; also changed serial data for the 1950C $50 C..* after receiving confirmation that a
previous report of a serial number was in error; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 11, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 B..*, 1950D $5 G..*, and 1950D
$10 A..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks yet again to Dave Perkins!)
- May 10, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1935E $1 *..F, 1950A $50 B..*, and 1950D
$50 E..* and G..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable
serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also fixed a broken navigation link on
the 2009 $20 page (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for
catching this one)
- April 9, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file and block list
with recent changes
- April 8, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 F..*, 1950E $5 B..*, 1950A
$10 A..* and D..*, 1950C $10 B..*, 1950 $20 D..*, and 1950A
$20 D..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins for these)
- April 7, 2012
- Added production data from September 2011 through March 2012 BEP reports
(many thanks to Ed Zegers for obtaining these via FOIA and passing them
along!), in the process making the necessary additions to the block and group lists
for the 2003A $2 and 2006 $5 and updating several pages around the site to
reflect the existence of the 2009 $2 and 2009A $100
- April 5, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- April 4, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- April 3, 2012
- Fixed typos in the serial group lists for the 1950A
$10 L..B, 1950C $50 B..*, and 2006 $20 IK..E; also updated the information on
unreported recent printings again, making a preliminary attempt at showing which $1
runs were printed at Washington vs. Fort Worth
- March 23, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $50 B..* and
C..*, 1950B $50 B..*, 1950D $50 A..*, B..*, and L..*, and 1950B $100 J..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges; also updated the information on unreported recent
printings again
- March 18, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated
the information on unreported recent printings again
- March 13, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with
yesterday's changes
- March 12, 2012
- Added the new 2009 $10 JC..A block to the uncut
sheets and other collector products page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report);
also added the new Minneapolis "2012" $2 notes to the listing of premium notes on the
same page; also changed serial data for the 1950C $5
E..*, 1950A $10 A..* and B..*, 1950B $10 A..* and B..*, 1950C $10 B..*, 1950B
$20 F..*, 1950A $50 H..*, 1950B $50 B..*, C..*, and G..*, and 1969 $10 B..* after observing notes from formerly
questionable serial ranges; also changed the serial number ranges listed for the 2001 $1 I..A and K..A block uncut sheets after receiving
reports of notes refuting my previous best guesses at the serial ranges; also added a
footnote to the 1988A $1 C..B block uncut sheet range
indicating the likely existence of duplicate serials (thanks to Ed Zegers and Dave
Perkins for some of the sheet data!); also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- March 9, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
- March 8, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1935E $1 *..F, 1950B $5 A..* and B..*, 1950D $5 F..*, 1950B
$10 B..* and G..*, 1950D $10 A..*, 1950E $10 G..*, and 1963A
$5 L..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the information on unreported recent
printings again
- March 1, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- February 25, 2012
- Added images of Rosecrans and Huston signatures to the Signers of U.S. Currency section; also updated the SOI $20 page and the information on unreported recent
printings again
- February 21, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 C..* and
L..*, 1950B $5 F..*, 1950A $10 A..*, B..*, and G..*, 1950B $10 B..*, and 1950D
$10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks yet again to Dave Perkins); also added quite a few first and middle names to
the page on 1929 FRBN signers; also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- February 17, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- February 4, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- January 23, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- January 18, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings again
- January 15, 2012
- Updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also updated the information on unreported recent printings again; also fixed
a couple of broken navigation links (thanks to Alan Gilfoy for catching these!)
- January 12, 2012
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $10 A..*, B..*,
and G..*, 1950D $10 B..*, and 1963A $5 E..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins); also updated the
information on unreported recent printings again
- January 10, 2012
- Updated the information on unreported recent printings; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 7, 2012
- Added data on recent printings that have appeared in circulation since the last
BEP report was issued
- January 2, 2012
- Added the new 2009 $1 C..C and 2009 $5 JG..B blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson and Dave
Perkins for the reports); also changed serial data for the 1950A $50 B..* and L..*, 1950B $50 B..* and E..*, 1950D $50 C..* and G..*, 1950A $100 A..* and E..*, and 1950D $100 A..*, E..*, and G..* after receiving reports
of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave Perkins
for these!)
- December 12, 2011
- Changed serial data for some of the 1981 $1 uncut
sheets to reflect the fact that nine blocks had both COPE and conventional sheets
printed; also added COPE/conventional data on all uncut sheet printings to the
relevant block and group lists in Series 1976 through 1995; also fixed a couple of
typos in the group list for the 1969C $1 (a couple of
the COPE/conventional groups had gotten switched--thanks to Dave Perkins again for
the catch!); also updated the printable serialling file
with these and the other recent changes; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 10, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1935E $1 *..E and
*..F, 1950D $5 G..*, 1950E $5 B..*, 1950A
$10 B..*, 1950B $10 A..*, D..*, G..*, and L..*,
1950E $10 G..*, and 1963A $10 L..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins for many of
- December 7, 2011
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 8, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1950 $20 K..*, 1950A $20 K..*, 1950A
$50 H..* and K..*, 1950B $50 A..*, 1950C $50 A..*, and 1950D
$50 E..* based on notes from formerly questionable serial ranges that appear as
low/high observed serials in the new 10th edition of Schwartz & Lindquist
- November 5, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $5 L..*, 1950A $10 F..*, 1950B
$10 C..*, and 1950B $100 G..* after observing
notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
- November 3, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1950B $5 B..* and
E..*, 1950C $5 B..*, 1950D $5 B..*, 1950A
$10 B..*, 1950B $10 B..* and L..*, 1950C $10 B..*, and 1950D
$10 G..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins for most of these)
- September 26, 2011
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 24, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B and 1950B $10 H..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also updated the
printable serialling file with recent changes; also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- September 17, 2011
- Added a duplicate 1995 $1 B..A uncut sheet
printing to the group list for that series, reflecting Joe Farrenkopf's discovery of
BEP documentation proving that this run was printed twice; also changed serial data
for the 1950A $10 L..*, 1950A $20 E..*, and 1950B
$20 E..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks to Dave Perkins for these); also updated the History of
Currency Designs section with the latest word from the BEP on the plans for the
next design generation
- September 10, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $1 C..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report); also changed serial data for
the 1950A $5 F..*, 1950D
$5 B..*, 1950B $10 B..* and H..*, 1950 $20 F..*, 1950A
$20 E..* and F..*, and 1950B $20 B..* after
receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave
- August 27, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Dave Perkins!); also fixed a typo in the data for the 1977 $10 D..*; also updated the printable serialling file with these changes
- August 15, 2011
- Added production data from July BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for the 2006 $100
- August 14, 2011
- Updated the printable serialling file with
yesterday's changes
- August 13, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1957A $1 *..A, 1935E $1 *..F, and 1950C
$20 E..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to Dave Perkins!); also changed the serial number range listed for the
2003A $2 G..B through L..B block uncut sheets, after
receiving a report of a K..B sheet refuting my previous best guess at the serial range
(thanks again to Joe Farrenkopf!); also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- August 4, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C, 1935E $1 *..F, 1950B $5
G..*, and 1950D $20 L..* after receiving reports
of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave Perkins!);
also updated the printable serialling file with recent
changes; also added a note to the 2006A $100 page
with the BEP's explanation for that series designation, and placed a similar note on
the small-size chronology page
- July 30, 2011
- Changed serial data for several more of the 1950-series $5, $10, and $20 star
notes, and also added more detail to the group lists for the
Series 1950A notes of those denominations, and also updated the page on standard print runs again, after receiving another batch
of reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks yet again to Dave
- July 22, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..C, 1935E $1 *..F, and the 1935F $1 stars generally after receiving reports of
notes from formerly questionable serial ranges; in Series 1935F, the locations of all
the star gaps are finally pinned down by process of elimination (thanks again to Dave
Perkins for several reports!)
- July 21, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $1 F..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Dave Perkins and Chris Johnson for reports); also changed
serial data for many 1950-series $5, $10, and $20 star notes after receiving
nearly a hundred reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(many, many thanks to Dave Perkins for tracking all of those down!); also updated the
page on standard print runs with a few additional
changeover points I've been able to work out in these series' stars
- July 18, 2011
- Added production data from June BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for the 2006 $5
- July 9, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $5 JL..A and 2009 $20 JA..A blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Steven DeGennaro and
Christopher Johnson for the reports!); also changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B and *..C, and the 1957A $1 *..A, after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins and Joe Farrenkopf for
these!); also updated the printable serialling file with
these changes, and added a printable complex block list covering $1 and $2 FRNs;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 1, 2011
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..A, and
fixed the COPE/conventional data on the 1977 $20 H..*, after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave Perkins for the latter!);
also updated the printable serialling file with these
- June 21, 2011
- Updated the printable serialling file with
yesterday's changes
- June 20, 2011
- Added production data from May BEP report, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of the 2009 $5; also
changed serial data for the 1963A $5 E..* and 1963A $10 E..*, and fixed the COPE/conventional data on the 1974 $5 J..B, after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Dave Perkins for these!)
- June 9, 2011
- Updated the printable serialling file with several
recent changes
- May 28, 2011
- Tweaked the format of the complex-block lists in the block and
group lists section; also updated the SOI $20 page
- May 18, 2011
- Added production data from April BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for the 2006 $5
- May 16, 2011
- Added the new 2003A $2 G..B block to the uncut
sheets page
- May 14, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $10 JL..A and 2009 $50 JB..A blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Zhanglu and to Steven
DeGennaro for reporting these!)
- May 7, 2011
- Added the new 2003A $2 J..B block to the uncut
sheets page; also fixed a typo on the 2006 $1
page (the B..* run #3 had somehow gotten moved from DC to FW when edited a couple of
weeks ago); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- May 1, 2011
- Added the new 2003A $2 D..B and E..B blocks to the uncut sheets page
- April 25, 2011
- Added production data from March BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2006
$5; also changed the serial range listed for 2006
$1 B..* run #3 after finally receiving enough reports of notes from this run to
make it more or less clear what was actually printed; also changed the signatures
listed for the 2006A $100 since observed notes are
signed Cabral-Paulson and not Rios-Geithner as the BEP indicated; also added Jones's
and Geithner's middle names to the Signers of U.S. Currency
section (thanks to Jon Winberg for tracking these down!)
- April 13, 2011
- Updated the printable serialling file with several
recent changes
- April 11, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $1 F..A and 2003A $2 C..A and H..B blocks to the uncut sheets and other collector products page (thanks
to Christopher Johnson for a report!); also added the new "2011" $2 single notes to
the listing of premium notes on the same page; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 14, 2011
- Added the new 2003A $2 A..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Dave Perkins for the report!); also changed serial data for
the 1950B $100 G..* after observing a note from a
formerly questionable serial range
- March 13, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $1 K..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Christopher Johnson for the report!); also changed serial
data for the 1957 $1 *..A after observing a note from
a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the printable serialling file with these and the other recent
- March 7, 2011
- Added production data from February BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2006 $5, and updated several pages around the site to
reflect the existence of the 2009 $50; also changed
the serial listings for the 2006 $5 on San
Francisco, reflecting a correction made by the BEP to the June 2010 production report;
also added the new 2003A $2 F..A, I..B, and L..B blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Tim Barwick for reporting
some of these); also updated the 1999 $1 group list
with an estimated serial range for the B..A uncut sheet printing, after
finally receiving a report of this block (thanks to Dave Perkins)
- February 17, 2011
- Added production data from January BEP report, in the process making the necessary
additions to the block and group lists for the 2006
$5 and 2006 $50, and updated several pages
around the site to reflect the existence of the 2006A
$100; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 26, 2011
- Added the new 2003A $2 K..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen for the report); also changed the serial
number range listed for the 1988A $1 C..B block uncut
sheets, after receiving a report of a sheet refuting my previous best guess at the
serial range (thanks again to Dave Perkins for that one)
- January 15, 2011
- Added the new 2003A $2 I..D and J..D blocks to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page; also
changed the serial number range listed for the 1988A
$1 K..B block uncut sheets, after receiving a report of a sheet refuting my
previous best guess at the serial range (thanks to Dave Perkins for that one!); also
updated the printable serialling file with these changes
and the other recent 2003A $2 sheet blocks
- January 12, 2011
- Added the new 2009 $10 JG..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Christopher Johnson for the report!); also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 8, 2011
- Added production data from December BEP report, making the necessary additions to
the group list for the 2006 $100; also added the
new 2009 $1 G..A and 2003A $2 B..A blocks to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to several folks who reported these--sorry for taking so long
to get them up!); also updated the SOI $20 page
- December 18, 2010
- Added the new 2003A $2 C..B block to the uncut
sheets page; also updated the SOI $20 page
- December 10, 2010
- Added production data from November BEP report, making the necessary additions to
the block and group lists for the 2006 $1 and 2006 $100
- December 7, 2010
- Added production data from September and October BEP reports, in the process
making the necessary additions to the block and group lists for the 2006 $10 and 2006
$20, and updated several pages around the site to reflect the existence of the 2009 $10
- December 5, 2010
- Updated the list of newly reported blocks on the main
serialling page again, with the information that the 2009 $1 A..A and A..* blocks
are both Washington printings
- November 30, 2010
- Updated the list on the main serialling page with the newly
sighted 2009 $1 K..D block; also updated the SOI $20
page again
- November 23, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950A $50 B..* after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the list on
the main serialling page with a few more newly sighted 2009 $1
blocks; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 22, 2010
- Fixed a typo in the 1928E $2 data on the uncut
sheets page
- November 21, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950D $10 E..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks again
to Nicholas Cheung); also fixed a typo in the data for the 1950D $10 C..*; also added a note to the main serialling page listing some of the new blocks that have
appeared in circulation since the last BEP report was issued; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 14, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1957 $1 *..B after
observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also updated the printable serialling file with this change and the 2004A $10
changes from yesterday
- November 13, 2010
- Added the newly reported 2004A $10 GL..* block to the uncut sheets page; also changed serial data for the 1950B $10 C..* and 1950C
$10 G..* after observing notes from formerly questionable serial ranges; also
fixed a typo in the 2004A $10 grouplist; also updated
the SOI $20 page again
- October 19, 2010
- Added a page for printer-friendly files, and posted a
massive PDF file containing the detailed serialling data for Series 1957 through
2004A. Incidentally, today is this website's tenth birthday! :)
- October 16, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950 $20 F..*, 1950A $20 B..* and G..*, 1950B $20 B..*, 1950D
$20 B..*, 1950E $20 B..*, 1963A $20 G..*, 1950C
$10 G..*, and 1963A $10 A..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Dave
Perkins and Nicholas Cheung for these!)
- October 8, 2010
- Added the new 2009 $1 B..A and K..A blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen for reporting
these); also changed the note on the 2009 $100 page
to reflect the delayed release date of the new design; also changed serial data for
the 1950A $10 A..*, 1950B $10 D..*, 1950B
$20 G..*, 1950C $10 B..* and G..*, and 1935E $1 *..F after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for the first one and
Dave Perkins for the rest); also fixed a typo in the data for the 1974 $20 G..* (thanks to Scott Kuzma for the catch);
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- September 17, 2010
- Added production data from August BEP report, making the necessary additions to
the block and group lists for the 2006 $1; also
added the new 2003A $2 H..A block to the uncut sheets
page; also changed serial data for the 1981A $10
F..* after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range
(thanks to Nicholas Cheung!); also fixed typos on the 1988 $100 page, the 1985
$50 grouplist, the 1974 $100 grouplist, and the
2003 data on the $10 summary page (thanks to Robert
Obenour for catching that last one!); also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- August 10, 2010
- Fixed a typo made two days ago on the 2006 $20
page (thanks to Ed Zegers for catching this one!)
- August 8, 2010
- Added production data from July BEP report; also corrected a typo in the series
statistics for the 1981A $10
- August 6, 2010
- Added a short page about some recently discovered Federal Reserve seal varieties in the newest $1 FRNs;
also updated the SOI $20 page again
- July 30, 2010
- Added a note to the 2006 $1 page regarding the
recent discovery of B..* notes that appear to indicate an error in the BEP production
reports (thanks to Harvey Cohen for bringing these to my attention; anybody else have
any information?)
- July 26, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950E $50 G..* and 1988A $20 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Karol Winograd and Nicholas Cheung
respectively); also corrected a typo in the series statistics for the 1969B $1; also updated the History
of Currency Designs section with the latest word from the BEP on the plans for the
next design generation; also updated the SOI $20 page
- July 10, 2010
- Changed serial data for many series/districts' star notes in the 18-subject $50
and $100 FRNs after receiving quite a few reports of notes from formerly questionable
serial ranges (thanks to Karol Winograd for most of these); also added information on
potential star gaps to the group lists for the 1935E
through 1957B $1 SCs
- July 8, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950C $10 G..*, 1950D $10 B..*, and 1950D
$20 L..* after receiving reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges
(thanks again to David Perkins); also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- July 5, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950D $5 B..*, 1950B $10 F..*, 1950A
$20 J..*, 1950B $50 A..*, 1950C $50 G..*, and 1950B
$100 C..* after observing notes from formerly questionable serial ranges; also
added a new survey for mismatched serial errors and
one for 1950-series $50 and $100 star notes
- July 4, 2010
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1950 through 1950E $50 and
$100 FRNs, including for the first time some halfway decent estimates of the printage
totals for the star notes in these series; also added the corresponding block and
group lists
- July 3, 2010
- Added production data from June BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for several denominations of Series
2006; also changed serial data for the 1950C $5 B..*
and 1950D $10 G..* after receiving reports of notes
from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to David Perkins for these!)
- July 1, 2010
- Added the new 2006 $50 IA..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Christopher Johnson for the report!)
- June 17, 2010
- Added production data from May BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for several denominations of Series
- June 13, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950D $10 G..*
after observing a note from a formerly questionable serial range
- June 5, 2010
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- June 3, 2010
- Added the new 2003A $2 A..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Lloyd Bumm for the report); also changed serial data for
the 1963A $5 F..* and 1969 $10 B..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks again to Nicholas Cheung)
- May 23, 2010
- Added footnotes to the 1950B $20 and 1950C $5 pages regarding the inverted star errors that
exist in those series
- May 20, 2010
- Added production data from April BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for several denominations of Series 2006;
also added the new 2009 $1 L..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Christopher Johnson for the report); also fixed errors in
the uncut sheet serial ranges on the group lists for the 2001 $1 and 2003 $1
(thanks to Lloyd Bumm for catching these); also changed serial data for the 1963A $5 G..*, 1969
$10 G..*, and 1950D $10 L..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung
for those)
- April 22, 2010
- Added images of the just-unveiled Kodachrome $100 note to the History of Currency Designs section; also added a sentence about
the design features for the visually impared that are expected to be part of the
next round of redesign
- April 21, 2010
- Added a note to the 2009 $100 page with the
scheduled release date for the new design, and added some information about that
design to the History of Currency Designs section as well; also
changed serial data for the 1963A $20 L..*, 1950B $10 F..*, and 1988 $1 E..* after receiving reports of notes from
formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung, again, for
- April 20, 2010
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1950 through 1950E $20 FRNs;
also added the corresponding block and group lists
- April 2, 2010
- Added production data from March BEP report, making the necessary additions to
the block and group lists for several denominations of Series
2006; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 27, 2010
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the remaining denominations of Series 2006
- March 25, 2010
- Added the second round of the 2003A $2 "2010" notes to the group list for that series
- March 24, 2010
- Updated the serial ranges of the uncut sheet printings in the 1993 $1 and 1999 $1
group lists with findings from the relevant survey
- March 23, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1950E $10 G..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range; also corrected
the low serial for the 1950B $20 K..* after finding a note outside the range
previously listed; also updated the page on standard print
runs with what data I've been able to work out for the 18-subject FRN stars
- March 18, 2010
- Corrected a few serial ranges in the 1950-series $20 FRN stars on the $20 serial number summary page; also removed
references to the 1928A $10 and $20 GCs throughout the site, reflecting Jamie Yakes's
recent discovery that the serial ranges reported for these series actually belong to
Series 1928
- March 16, 2010
- Added the new 2003A $2 K..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report); also updated the 1933 $10 SC listings to reflect Jamie Yakes's recent
discovery of the official high star serial for that series; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- March 9, 2010
- Added footnotes to several pages in the serial numbering section regarding some of
the more common mismatched serial errors
- March 8, 2010
- Added the new 2009 $20 JB..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report)
- March 6, 2010
- Added images of Rios and Geithner signatures to the Signers of
U.S. Currency section; also added pages to the serial numbering section for the
1950 through 1950E $10 FRNs; also added the corresponding block and group lists
- March 5, 2010
- Added a note to the 2009 $100 page with the
scheduled unveiling date for the new design; also changed serial data for the 1950E $5 B..*, 1963A
$10 B..*, and 1974 $10 E..* after receiving
reports of notes from formerly questionable serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung
for a couple of these); also updated the SOI $20 page
- March 4, 2010
- Added production data from February BEP report, in the process making the
necessary additions to the block and group lists for the (second) 2006 $5, and updated several pages around the site to
reflect the existence of the 2009 $1 and 2009 $100
- February 28, 2010
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 26, 2010
- Added a note to the main serial numbering page with the
first circulation report of the Series 2009 $1; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 14, 2010
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1950 through 1950E $5 FRNs;
also added the corresponding block and group lists; also added a series statistics
table, and block and group lists, for the (second) 2006
$5; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- February 5, 2010
- Added production data from January BEP report
- January 30, 2010
- Added the new 2006 $1 C..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report)
- January 28, 2010
- Revised the listings of the 1995 $1 B..* notes
to reflect Joe Farrenkopf's recent discovery of several serialling errors; similarly
changed an F..* listing in the same series; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- January 21, 2010
- Added production data from December BEP report, in the process adding a page for
the 2009 $20, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of Series 2009; also added the new 2003A $2 F..B
uncut-sheet block and "2010" notes to the uncut sheets
and other collector products page and to the block and group lists for that
- January 4, 2010
- Changed serial data for the 1985 $5 C..* after
receiving a report of a note even farther outside the official serial range than
before (thanks to Scott Kuzma!); also updated the SOI
$20 page again
- December 21, 2009
- Added a note to the main serial numbering page with the
first circulation report of Series 2009 currency; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 14, 2009
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 11, 2009
- Added production data from November BEP report; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 8, 2009
- Changed serial data for the 1974 $10 D..* after
receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks to
Nicholas Cheung!); also fixed a typo on the standard print
runs page; also updated the SOI $20 page again
- December 1, 2009
- Updated several links on the Links and References page to
reflect the BEP's website redesign
- November 30, 2009
- Added a 1981 $1 Kansas City star run to the
monthly table and group list for that series, after receiving a report of a note
outside the official serial range (thanks yet again to Nicholas Cheung); also updated
the SOI $20 page again
- November 24, 2009
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 22, 2009
- Fixed a couple of typos on the 1963A $5 page
(thanks to Mike Hawkins for the catch!)
- November 21, 2009
- Added series statistics tables, and block and group lists, for the 2006 $10 and 2006
- November 20, 2009
- Added production data from October BEP report
- November 10, 2009
- Updated the SOI $20 page again
- November 2, 2009
- Fixed a typo on the 1969B $5 group list; also
updated the SOI $20 page again
- October 31, 2009
- Fixed a typo on the list of series-denomination-type combinations (thanks to Griff
Ruby for the catch!); also updated the SOI $20 page
with a few new reports
- October 29, 2009
- Added production data from September BEP report
- October 26, 2009
- Added the new 2006 $1 L..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report); also updated the SOI $20 page with a few new reports; also fixed typos in
the series statistics for the 2001 $20 and the 1990 $50
- October 23, 2009
- Added a page about the SOI press $20's that have
been appearing in circulation over the past few months (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for
bringing this variety to my attention, and thanks especially to Karol Winograd for
compiling quite a lot of serial data on it); also updated the page on standard print runs with data on the 1953 $2 USN non-star
notes, which I've finally pinned down by staring at lots of plate positions; also
changed the serial number range listed for the 1988A
$1 C..B block uncut sheets, after receiving a report of a sheet refuting my
previous best guess at the serial range (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for that one)
- September 19, 2009
- Added a 1981A $10 Atlanta star run to the
monthly table and group list for that series, and also changed serial data for the 1977 $10 E..*, after receiving reports of notes
outside the official serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for both of these!)
- September 18, 2009
- Added production data from August BEP report; also added a note to the uncut sheets page that the 2006 $5 HF..B sheets were not
released in full 32-subject format, after receiving confirmation of this from the
BEP (thanks to Harvey Cohen for passing the word along!)
- August 18, 2009
- Added production data from July BEP report; also corrected serial data for the 2006 $100 by adding a print run of star notes that the
BEP had originally omitted from the March 2007 production report; also added an entry
for new U.S. Treasurer Rosa Gumataotao Rios to the small-size chronology and currency
signers pages, though of course I don't have an image of her signature yet
- August 6, 2009
- Added the second round of the 2003A $2 "2009" notes to the group list for that series; also corrected serial ranges
for some of the 1995 $2 and $5 uncut sheets
- July 31, 2009
- Changed serial data for the 1988A $1 B..* and
L..* after receiving even more reports of notes outside the official serial ranges;
also changed serial data for the 1969 $20 L..*
after receiving a report of a note from a formerly questionable serial range (thanks
to Nicholas Cheung for all of these); also added pages to the serial numbering section
for the 1963 and 1963A $5 through $20 FRNs; also added the corresponding block and
group lists
- July 30, 2009
- Fixed a typo in the 1981A $100 group list and a
broken link on the links and references page
- July 29, 2009
- Added the new 2006 $5 HF..B block to the uncut
sheets page; also changed serial data for the 1988A
$1 I..* again after receiving a report of a note even farther outside the official
serial range than before (thanks to John Patrick for that one); also fixed typos in
the series statistics for the 1993 $5 and the 1999 $10
- July 17, 2009
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1969 through 1969C $5 through
$20 FRNs; also added the corresponding block and group lists
- July 15, 2009
- Added the new 2003A $2 D..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report)
- July 11, 2009
- Added block and group lists, and a series statistics table, for the 1935E $1 SC
- July 9, 2009
- Added production data from June BEP report; also updated the serial ranges of the
uncut sheet printings in several of the group lists with
findings from the relevant survey, though some gaps
and doubts still remain
- July 8, 2009
- Changed serial data for the 1988A $1 B..* again
after receiving a report of a note even farther outside the official serial range than
before (thanks again to Nicholas Cheung)
- June 25, 2009
- Added images of Glass and Thompson signatures to the Signers of U.S. Currency section; also added the new 2003A
$2 "2009" notes to the group list for that
- June 19, 2009
- Added production data from May BEP report (sorry for the delay; I was without
Internet access for a while there...)
- May 23, 2009
- Changed serial data for the 1988 $1 B..* and E..*, the 1988A $1 I..*, and the
1988A $10 D..* after receiving several reports of notes outside the official serial
ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung and Karol Winograd for these)
- May 11, 2009
- Corrected serial data for the 1950D $10
E..* after receiving a report of a note outside the listed serial range (thanks
to Nicholas Cheung yet again)
- May 8, 2009
- Added production data from April BEP report; also added the new 2006 $1 K..A block
to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Christopher
Johnson for the report)
- April 7, 2009
- Added production data from March BEP report
- March 17, 2009
- Added the new 2006 $1 E..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Joe Farrenkopf for the report); also corrected serial data
for the 1985 $1 E..* after receiving several
reports of notes outside the listed serial range (thanks to Nicholas Cheung and Ed
Zegers for these)
- March 13, 2009
- Added production data from February BEP report; also made a few small corrections
to the data on uncut sheets in the 1985 and 2003A $1's; also added a 1974 $100 Philadelphia star run to the monthly table
and group list for that series, after receiving a report of a note outside the
official serial range (thanks to Nicholas Cheung and Joe Farrenkopf for various
- February 14, 2009
- Added production data from January BEP report; also corrected a typo on the 1988 $5 page (thanks to Brian for catching this
- January 26, 2009
- Added an entry for new Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner to the small-size chronology and currency
signers pages, though of course I don't have an image of his signature yet
- January 6, 2009
- Added production data from December BEP report; also added the new 2003A $2 H..E
block (from the "Lucky Money 8.8.8" set) to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page
- December 29, 2008
- Added production data from November BEP report (sorry for the delay--was
travelling for the holidays); also added the new 2003A $2 I..A block to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Christopher Johnson for
reporting this one!)
- November 11, 2008
- Added production data from October BEP report; also added the new 2003A $2 A..D
and C..D blocks to the list of premium notes on the uncut
sheets and other collector products page
- October 16, 2008
- Corrected a typo on the 1990 $50 page (thanks
to Brian in Oregon for catching this one!)
- October 13, 2008
- Updated the page on standard print runs with data
on the 1935E $1 SC non-star notes, which I've finally pinned down by staring at lots
of plate positions
- October 11, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 D..D block to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page
- October 3, 2008
- Added production data from September BEP report
- September 12, 2008
- Corrected a typo in the serialling data for the 1981 $100, affecting the April 1984 New York range
(thanks to Fran Guardino for catching this one!)
- September 2, 2008
- Added production data from August BEP report
- August 9, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 B..B and E..D blocks to the appropriate tables on the uncut sheets and other premium products page (thanks
again to Harvey Cohen for reporting the former); also corrected serial data for the 1988A $20 B..* after receiving a report of a note
outside the listed serial range (thanks again to Nicholas Cheung)
- August 8, 2008
- Added production data from July BEP report
- July 25, 2008
- Added production data from June BEP report
- July 19, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $500 through $10000 GCs; serialling data is finally complete (well, as
complete as it's getting) for all large-size notes except Nationals (thanks again to
Doug Murray for providing nearly all the large-size serialling data!)
- July 10, 2008
- Corrected serial data for the 2004A $50 and 2006 $100 by adding several print runs that the BEP
had originally omitted from the February 2007 production report
- July 1, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $100 GCs and the $500 through $10000 USNs and FRNs
- June 26, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $100 USNs and the $100 through $1000 SCs
- June 9, 2008
- Added production data from May BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for the 2004A $10
- May 26, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for all remaining $50 notes except Nationals; also corrected serial data for
1988A $1 star run L#3 after receiving a report of a
note outside the listed serial range (thanks yet again to Nicholas Cheung for this
- May 24, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 K..D block to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other premium products page; also
finally added scans of the new Kodachrome $5 to the History of Currency Designs; also added a few
illustrations of star serials to the page on serial
- May 6, 2008
- Added production data from April BEP report; also added block and group lists, and
a series statistics table, for the (first) 2006
- May 5, 2008
- Corrected serial data for the 1981 $50 J..*
after receiving a report of a note outside the listed serial range (thanks yet again
to Nicholas Cheung for this one)
- May 3, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 G..D block to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page
- May 2, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $20 SCs and the $20 through $1000 CNs
- April 19, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $20 USNs and GCs
- April 12, 2008
- Corrected serial data for the 1969B $5
B..* after receiving a report of a note outside the listed serial range; also listed
the formerly questionable 1977 $1 I..* run #2 as a
conventional printing, after finally getting a scan of an extant note (thanks to
Nicholas Cheung for the former and Scott Kuzma for the latter!)
- April 9, 2008
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables, for the 1953 through 1963
$5 USNs and all 1953-series $5 and $10 SCs; also added the new 2006 $5 IB..A block to
the uncut sheets page (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for
the report!)
- April 5, 2008
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables, for the 1935F and 1935G
$1 SCs and the 1953 through 1963A $2 USNs
- April 2, 2008
- Added production data from March BEP report; also removed a footnote from the 1985 $20 page about the uncertain length of star run
C#2, after receiving a report of a note showing that it was a full print run after all
(thanks to Nicholas Cheung yet again!)
- March 15, 2008
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables, for the 1935H through 1957B
$1 SCs and the 1966 and 1966A $100 USNs
- March 14, 2008
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1963A and 1969
- March 13, 2008
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1969A through 1969C
- March 12, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 L..D block to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page; also
added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1963A through 1969C
$100's; also adjusted the serial data for 1977 $50
star run G#20 after receiving a report of a note outside the serial range I'd
conjectured for this run, which was printed but never reported by the BEP (thanks to
Nicholas Cheung for tracking down this note!)
- March 6, 2008
- Added production data from February BEP report
- February 29, 2008
- Added production data from January BEP report, making the necessary additions to
the group lists for the 2003A
$1; also added the new 2003A $2 B..D block to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page
- February 9, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $50 and $100 FRNs
- February 8, 2008
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $10 and $20 FRNs
- February 4, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 H..C and H..D blocks to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page
- January 18, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 F..D block to the list of premium notes on the uncut sheets and other collector products page
- January 14, 2008
- Added the new 2006 $5 HF..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Gerald Glasser for the report!)
- January 11, 2008
- Added the new 2003A $2 E..A and 2006 $10 IF..A blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen again!); also
added the missing 1977 $50 star run G#20 to the
monthly table and group list for that series, after finally receiving confirmation of
its existence (thanks to Nicholas Cheung yet again!)
- January 7, 2008
- Added production data from December BEP report
- December 21, 2007
- Added production data from November BEP report
- December 13, 2007
- Updated the page for the Kodachrome 2006 $5
with the release date for the new design; also finally updated all of the denomination
summary pages to include the post-1995 serial
- November 8, 2007
- Added production data from October BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the Kodachrome
2006 $5 (though it still doesn't appear in all the places that it should,
because I haven't quite figured out what to do about the bizarre reuse of the series
- October 10, 2007
- Added production data from September BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2006
- September 27, 2007
- Corrected a typo in the high serial for the 1981A Atlanta $50 on the $50 notes summary page (thanks yet again to Nicholas
Cheung for catching the error)
- September 14, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the remaining denominations of Series 2003A and 2004A
- September 13, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for most denominations of Series 2003A and 2004A
- September 9, 2007
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 3, 2007
- Corrected serial data for the 1981 $1 C..*, 1985 $5 C..*, and 1985
$20 E..* after receiving reports of notes outside the official serial ranges
(thanks to Samuel Aronovsky for the first one and Nicholas Cheung for the
- August 18, 2007
- Added the new 2003A $2 G..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks again to Harvey Cohen for the report!)
- August 16, 2007
- Added production data from July BEP report
- July 14, 2007
- Added production data from June BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for the 2004 $20
- June 30, 2007
- Added images of Tillman and Morgan signatures to the Signers of U.S. Currency section
- June 4, 2007
- Added production data from May BEP report, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of the 2006 $5
- May 24, 2007
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the $10, $20, and $50 FRBNs
- May 23, 2007
- Added image of Paulson signature to the Signers of U.S.
Currency section
- May 22, 2007
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the remaining series of $10 SCs
- May 18, 2007
- Updated the last couple of paragraphs in the History of
Currency Designs section to reflect the BEP's recent announcement on the security
features of the upcoming Kodachrome $100; also added pages to the large-size serial numbering section for the $10 GCs
- May 16, 2007
- Corrected the status of 1977 $20 star run K#4
from conventional to COPE; also corrected the serial data for 1993 $20 star run A#1 after receiving reports of
serial numbers and plate positions indicating a different run structure than that
listed in the BEP reports (thanks again to Nicholas Cheung on both of these!)
- May 9, 2007
- Added the new 2006 $1 D..A block to the uncut
sheets page; also added pages to the large-size
serial numbering section for the $10 CNs and several series of $10 SCs
- May 8, 2007
- Added production data from April BEP report, making the necessary additions to the
block and group lists for the 2003 $5
- April 27, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1963B, 1963A, and 1963 $1's; also added block and group lists for the 1963A
$50's and $100's
- April 26, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1969B, 1969A, and 1969 $1's; also added block and group lists for all of the
1969-series $50's and $100's
- April 25, 2007
- Added an A..* print run to the 1974 $100 page,
after receiving a clear enough scan of a note above the official high serial to
determine that the extra run really was COPE-overprinted (thanks to Jennifer Lynch on
this one!)
- April 23, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1974 $5, $10, and $20 and the 1969D and 1969C $1's
- April 21, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1977 $5, $10, and $20
- April 13, 2007
- Added pages to the large-size serial numbering
section for the remaining $10 USN series
- April 7, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1977 and 1974 $50's and $100's
- April 4, 2007
- Added production data from March BEP report; also added pages to the serial
numbering section for the $10 and $20 Demand Notes, and a few series of $10 USNs
- March 30, 2007
- Added a page to the serial numbering section for the 1914 $5 FRNs
- March 29, 2007
- Added a duplicate BE..* print run to the 1999
$5 page, after receiving several reports of serials and plate positions that don't
match the official BEP data, plus others that do (cf. the similar duplicate run
in the 1995 $1's)
- March 25, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1977A $5 and $10 and the 1974 $1
- March 18, 2007
- Added the new 2006 $20 IB..A and 2006 $50 ID..A blocks to the uncut sheets page
- March 2, 2007
- Added production data from February BEP report
- March 1, 2007
- Corrected the changeover point between the 1963 and 1963A Cleveland $20 stars, after receiving a report of notes outside
the official serial ranges; also corrected a typo in the high serial for the 1969C
Boston $50's (thanks to Nicholas Cheung yet again
on both of these)
- February 25, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and series statistics tables,
for the 1977 $1 and 1976 $2
- February 24, 2007
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for several more large-size $5 series; these are now complete for all
large-size $5 notes except Nationals and FRNs
- February 22, 2007
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for several series of large-size $5 SCs
- February 7, 2007
- Added an index to large-size serial tables in
order to make the data on the large-size notes easier to navigate
- February 2, 2007
- Added production data from January BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2006 $100;
also added block and group lists, and a series statistics table,
for the 1977A $1
- January 27, 2007
- Added the new 2003A $1 G..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen and Chris Johnson for reporting this one);
also added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1861 $5 Demand Notes and all large-size $5 USNs
- January 23, 2007
- Added block and group lists, and the corresponding series
statistics tables, for the $50's and $100's from Series 1988 back to Series 1981
- January 22, 2007
- Added the new 2003A $5 FL..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report!)
- January 18, 2007
- Added production data from December BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2006 $50;
also added the new 2003A $1 G..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to several folks who reported this one while I was away for
the holidays)
- December 13, 2006
- Added production data from November BEP report, in the process adding a page for
the 2006 $20, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of Series 2006
- December 2, 2006
- Added block and group lists, and the corresponding series
statistics tables, for the $10's and $20's from Series 1985 back to Series 1981; also
added the new 2003A $2 L..A block to the uncut sheets
page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report!)
- November 30, 2006
- Added a page to the serial numbering section for the 1862 $2 USNs (serialling data is now complete for all
large-size $2 notes except Nationals); also added a new 'A'
typeface varieties survey to the surveys section
- November 29, 2006
- Changed the high serials for the 1988A $20's on
Dallas and the 1988 $50's on New York after
receiving reports of notes outside the official serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas
Cheung and Phelux respectively!)
- November 24, 2006
- Added the new 1995 $5 H..I block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists (thanks to James O'Connell
for the report!)
- November 18, 2006
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for several more large-size $2 series,
including the 1918 $2 FRBNs and all the $2 SCs
- November 16, 2006
- Added production data from October BEP report
- November 9, 2006
- Added the new 2003A $1 J..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Chris Johnson for the report!)
- November 8, 2006
- Added the new 2003A $2 J..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to several folks who reported this one--sorry for taking so
long to get it up!)
- October 27, 2006
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1880 $2 USNs and several other large-size $2
- October 21, 2006
- Added a note to the main serial numbering page with the
official word from the Treasury on the series designation of the upcoming Series
- October 19, 2006
- Added block and group lists, and the corresponding series
statistics tables, for the $5's from Series 1988 back to Series 1981
- October 18, 2006
- Added two print runs of star notes to the monthly production tables, one each in
the 2003A $2's and the 2004A $10's, reflecting an addition made to the
September BEP report online
- October 13, 2006
- Added a page to the serial numbering section for the 1862 $1 USNs; serialling data is now complete for all
large-size $1 notes except Nationals
- October 5, 2006
- Added production data from September BEP report; also corrected the serial data
for 1995 $1 star run A#1, after receiving
many reports of serial numbers and plate positions refuting the run structure
given in the BEP reports
- September 7, 2006
- Added block and group lists, and the corresponding series
statistics tables, for the $1's from Series 1988 back to Series 1981
- September 6, 2006
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 4, 2006
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1918 $1 FRBNs, the 1890 and 1891 $1
CNs, and several additional $1 SC and USN series; also revised the navigation links
between the existing large-size serialling pages, and finally linked to the large-size
pages from the small-size ones (thanks to Doug Murray for providing a truly incredible
amount of data on large-size serial ranges, of which this is only the
- August 31, 2006
- Added images of Lyons, Roberts, Vernon, and Treat signatures to the Signers of U.S. Currency section
- August 26, 2006
- Added the new 2003A $1 C..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for the report)
- August 9, 2006
- Added a note to the 2003A $2 page with the word
from the BEP on the total printage of $2's planned this year
- August 7, 2006
- Added production data from July BEP report, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of the 2003A $2
- August 6, 2006
- Corrected a typo in the monthly production table for the 1996 $100 by moving a range in the May 1998 production
from Dallas to St. Louis (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for catching this one!)
- July 31, 2006
- Added data on star runs for sheets vs. for notes to the group
lists for each series (I've been looking for a good place to put that information
for years; it doesn't fit into the monthly production tables without adding an
unreasonable amount of clutter...)
- July 25, 2006
- Added block and group lists, and the corresponding series
statistics tables, for several more denominations and series; these now exist for all
completed series back to Series 1988A, thus covering all notes printed since the BEP's
Fort Worth facility began production
- July 18, 2006
- Added the new 2003 $5 DL..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Jon Walker for the report!)
- July 15, 2006
- Added block and group lists for several denominations and
- July 12, 2006
- Added production data from June BEP report, and adjusted the uncut sheets page to reflect the fact that the 2003A $1
E..A is no longer a sheet-only block
- July 10, 2006
- Added an entry for new Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson to the small-size chronology and currency
signers pages, though of course I don't have an image of his signature yet; also
fixed the COPE/conventional data on the 1969D $1 and 1974
$1 pages after receiving reports of several COPE notes in serial ranges of
formerly questionable status (thanks to Scott Kuzma for these!)
- July 7, 2006
- Added Wyman's first and Morgan's middle names to the Signers of
U.S. Currency section (they turned up in an article in Paper Money)
- June 29, 2006
- Updated the last couple of paragraphs in the History
of Currency Designs section to reflect the BEP's new delayed timetable for the
release of the Kodachrome $5 and $100; also updated several pages around the site with
the end date of John Snow's term in office
- June 26, 2006
- Added the new 1995 $5 H..K block to the uncut
sheets page and to the relevant block and group lists (thanks to James O'Connell
for the report!)
- June 24, 2006
- Added a run of Dallas star notes to the 2003A
$1 page, reflecting a correction recently made to the online May BEP report; also
added a run of Richmond star notes to the 1985 $1
page, after receiving a report of a note from a previously unreported serial range;
also added a footnote to the 1995 $1 page
questioning the data on the Boston star notes, after receiving a report of a note from
a serial range reported as having been skipped (thanks to Nicholas Cheung and Luke
Roman for these two reports!)
- June 8, 2006
- Added block and group lists for most denominations of Series
2003 and 2004
- June 7, 2006
- Added production data from May BEP report
- June 2, 2006
- Added a new section devoted to the block and group lists
that I've been developing to go along with the Series Statistics tables--which,
incidentally, are now complete for all series and denominations that have both
Washington and Fort Worth printings, up to Series 2001
- May 31, 2006
- Added the new 2003A $1 E..A and L..C blocks to the uncut sheets page; also adjusted a serial range for 1981 $50 Kansas City stars, after receiving a report
of a note with a lower sheet number than previously known (thanks to Nicholas Cheung,
yet again, for reporting all of these!)
- May 29, 2006
- Changed the high serial for the 1950D $20
Kansas City stars, and the changeover point between the 1969C and 1974 Chicago $100's, after receiving reports of notes outside the
official serial ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for the latter)
- May 22, 2006
- Added similar Series Statistics tables to the 1988A $1 and 1995 $1 pages, and did a small amount of
revising to the format of the associated breakdown lists
- May 17, 2006
- Added a Series Statistics table to the 1993
$1 page, with links to breakdowns of the 1993 $1's by blocks, complex
blocks, and groups (feedback on this new feature
is appreciated, so that I can fine-tune it before I start implementing it on
all of the other series' pages!)
- May 15, 2006
- Added a missing serial range to the 1990 $50
page (thanks to Bill Russell for catching the error!)
- May 9, 2006
- Added production data from April BEP report
- April 17, 2006
- Added a couple of runs of star notes, in the 1981
$50's and 1974 $100's, after receiving
reports of observed notes above the official highs (thanks to Nicholas Cheung yet
- April 8, 2006
- Added the new 2004A $10 GF..* block to the uncut
sheets page; also added Robert Azpiazu's new book to the list of references on
the links and references page
- April 4, 2006
- Added production data from March BEP report
- March 27, 2006
- Added a footnote to the 2003 $10 page regarding
a serialling quirk that has recently been reported (thanks to Bob Brown for bringing
this to my attention; anybody have any more information on it?)
- March 22, 2006
- Added the new 1995 $5 H..H and 2004A $10 GB..* blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for the
- March 16, 2006
- Added image of Parker signature to the Signers of U.S.
Currency section
- March 3, 2006
- Added production data from February BEP report
- March 1, 2006
- Added the new 1995 $5 H..J and 2003 $5 DG..* blocks to the uncut sheets page (thanks again to Tim Luckey for the
- February 2, 2006
- Added production data from January BEP report
- January 31, 2006
- Added the new 2004A $20 GA..* block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Tim Luckey for the report!)
- January 22, 2006
- Added William McC. Martin's middle name to the Signers of U.S.
Currency section (it turned up in a news article on Alan Greenspan, of all
- January 13, 2006
- Added production data from December BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the long-awaited 2003A $5; also added three new blocks to the uncut sheets page, the 1995 $5 H..F and H..G and the
2003 $10 DA..* (thanks to Tim Luckey for reporting these!)
- January 11, 2006
- Added the new 2003A $1 F..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for the report); also added to the same
page a clarifying note about the 2003 $2 premium star notes (thanks to Jon Winberg for
passing along the word from the BEP)
- December 21, 2005
- Added the new 2003 $2 G..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Al Espen for the report!)
- December 15, 2005
- Changed my email address to webmaster@uspapermoney.info throughout
the site (I finally figured out how to send and receive email on this domain!); also
replaced the images on the Inverted 'W' Survey page
with better scans (of, unfortunately, a lower-grade note...)
- December 14, 2005
- Changed the serial ranges for the 2003 $2 premium star notes on the Uncut Sheets and Premium Products page, since the BEP's
now selling notes with serials higher than they reported printing
- December 6, 2005
- Added production data from November BEP report; also corrected another error on
the Checklist of Small-Size Designs (thanks to Kurt
Sneathen again!)
- December 2, 2005
- Added the newly announced release date for the Kodachrome $10's to the 2004A $10 page; also added the new 2003A $1 L..B block
to the uncut sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen for
the report!)
- November 17, 2005
- Added a couple runs of star notes to the 1974
$50 page, after receiving a report of a note outside the official ranges (thanks
to Nicholas Cheung again!)
- November 6, 2005
- Added images of Napier and McClung signatures to the Signers of
U.S. Currency section
- November 5, 2005
- Adjusted the COPE/conventional data on the 1969B
$1 page again, retracting the change made 10/25/04 which seems to have been based
on a misidentified note
- November 3, 2005
- Added production data from October BEP report
- October 20, 2005
- Added a page to the serial numbering section for the 1923 $1 SCs (but didn't yet link to it from anywhere
else; I'm going to have to figure out a different way of organising and connecting the
various pages in the serials section in order to better accommodate the series dating
conventions of the large-size notes....)
- October 15, 2005
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1928-1928F $5 USNs, the 1934-1934D $5 SCs, and the 1933-1933A and 1934-1934D $10 SCs
- October 14, 2005
- Corrected the information on high-denomination FRNs on the Checklist of Small-Size Designs (thanks to Kurt
Sneathen for reporting an error!)
- October 12, 2005
- Changed the serial ranges listed for the rather confused 1969C Atlanta $20 star notes, after finally getting enough
reported serials and plate positions to pin down what actually happened there (thanks
to Nicholas Cheung, again, for spotting the necessary notes); also added a line about
web notes to the three relevant $1 serial pages
- October 3, 2005
- Added production data from September BEP report, and updated several pages around
the site to reflect the existence of the 2004A
- September 28, 2005
- Added images and description of the just-unveiled Kodachrome $10 note to the History of Currency Designs section
- September 24, 2005
- Added image of McAdoo signature to the Signers of U.S.
Currency section; also fixed all the broken images in that section by inserting
blank images wherever I don't yet have a signature; also added to the table of standard print runs data on the transition from 100,000-
to 200,000-sheet print runs (thanks go to Nicholas Cheung for verifying a sufficient
number of the changeover points to give reasonable certainty that they're all at block
- September 17, 2005
- Moved a print run of Minneapolis star notes from the 1977A $1 page to the 1977 $1 page, upon receiving a report of an extant
Series 1977 note from this serial range (thanks to Nicholas Cheung again)
- September 8, 2005
- Added the new 2003 $2 F..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen for the report!)
- September 7, 2005
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 6, 2005
- Updated the 2004A $10 and History of Currency Designs pages with the
newly-announced date for the unveiling of the Kodachrome $10 design
- August 30, 2005
- Changed the high serial for the 1974 $10
Richmond stars, after receiving a report of a note even farther outside the official
ranges than previously reported; also updated the page on standard print runs with data on the 1953 $5 USN non-star
notes, which I've finally pinned down by staring at lots of plate positions
- August 15, 2005
- Changed a link on the Links & References page to reflect
the new web address for the Bank Note
- August 13, 2005
- Added a footnote to the 1995 $1 page about the
recently-discovered duplicated B..* serials
- August 8, 2005
- Added production data from July BEP report, and updated several pages around the
site to reflect the existence of the 2004A $10
- August 6, 2005
- Corrected the high serial of the 1963A $1 on
St. Louis (thanks to Les Shudrowitz for catching the typo!)
- August 5, 2005
- Added the new 2003A $1 L..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to J.O.N. for the report!)
- July 27, 2005
- Added production data from June BEP report (sorry for the delay; was on vacation
for a couple of weeks) and updated several pages around the site to reflect the
existence of the 2003A $100; also fixed the high
serial number for the 1950E $10 on district B
(thanks to Ceephus for catching the error!)
- June 23, 2005
- Added the missing 1985 $10 star run A#1 and the
missing 1985 $20 star run G#1 to the appropriate
monthly tables after finally receiving confirmation of their existence; also corrected
serial ranges of the 1977 and 1977A $5 star notes, the 1969A through 1974 $50 notes, and the 1995 $10 I..Y block premium notes after receiving confirmation of several
notes outside the official ranges (thanks again to Nicholas Cheung for most of these
- June 15, 2005
- Added H.T. Tate's first name to the Signers of U.S. Currency
section (thanks to David Tate Helene for the information!)
- June 10, 2005
- Added production data from May BEP report, in the process adding a page for the 2004A $20; revised the note about the new series
again since the serialling of Series 2004A turned out not to be as the BEP
had announced; also updated several pages around the site to include Series 2004A
- May 20, 2005
- Added images of Cabral signature and all missing FRB officials' signatures to the
Signers of U.S. Currency section
- May 17, 2005
- Revised the note about Series 2003A again to reflect confirmation of the $1's in
circulation; also added a page for the 2003A $1, at
the moment containing only a summary of the circulation reports to date, and updated
several pages around the site to include the new series
- May 14, 2005
- Revised the note about Series 2003A again to reflect the first circulation
- May 12, 2005
- Added a new survey, attempting to determine the
serial ranges of the modern uncut sheets
- May 8, 2005
- Added image of Teehee signature, and temporary image of Cabral signature, to the
Signers of U.S. Currency section
- May 7, 2005
- Corrected minor typos on the 1963A $1, 1969D $1, and $5
summary pages in the serial numbering section
- May 3, 2005
- Added production data from April BEP report; revised the note about Series 2003A
again to reflect its continued absence
- April 30, 2005
- Added the new 2003 $1 J..A block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen for the report)
- April 16, 2005
- Revised and expanded several pages of the History of Currency
Designs, adding information on lathework changes &c. (thanks to Greg Spahr for
bringing much of this to my attention) and rearranging a few items that had been out
of chronological order
- April 11, 2005
- Added a page of Federal Reserve Bank officials to
the currency signers section (though, like the rest of that section, it's a bit of a
work in progress)
- April 5, 2005
- Added production data from March BEP report; also corrected the earlier statement
about the upcoming Series 2003A/2004A after receiving updated information from the
- April 2, 2005
- Added the new 2001 $5 CC..A block to the uncut
sheets page
- March 23, 2005
- Added the missing 1977 $50 star run G#21 to the appropriate monthly table, after finally receiving confirmation of
its existence (thanks to Nicholas Cheung yet again!)
- March 21, 2005
- Added a note to the main serial numbering page with the
official word from the BEP on the series designation and serialling of the upcoming
Series 2004A
- March 19, 2005
- Added a page to the serial numbering section for the 1928-1928G $2's
- March 14, 2005
- Added production data from February BEP report
- March 10, 2005
- Added the new 2003 $1 B..B block to the uncut
sheets page (thanks to Harvey Cohen for the report); also added a newly reported
print run of star notes to the 1974 $100 page
(thanks again to Nicholas Cheung)
- February 15, 2005
- Added the new 1995 $5 H..E block to the uncut
sheets page
- February 3, 2005
- Added production data from January BEP report; also added a few missing ranges to
the 1988A $20 page after receiving confirmation of
extant notes (how does Nicholas Cheung find all of these?!)
- January 26, 2005
- Corrected the formerly questionable high serial of the 1974 $50 on St. Louis after receiving confirmation of
a note from the last print run (thanks once again to Nicholas Cheung!)
- January 19, 2005
- Added the new 2003 $2 B..A block to the uncut
sheets page
- January 17, 2005
- Added the new 2003 $1 K..B block to the uncut
sheets page; corrected a typo'd serial range in the 1993 $20 star notes (thanks to Nicholas Cheung yet
- January 13, 2005
- Added production data from December BEP report (sorry for the delay; I'm still
catching up from the holidays....)
- December 20, 2004
- Added the 1995 $5 "Prosperity" sheets to the uncut
sheets page, with the necessary note about the nonstandard serials; also corrected
the serial range of the 1995 $10 A..Y block premium notes on the same page (thanks to
Chaiyod Soontrapa for catching this one!)
- December 13, 2004
- Added an entry for new U.S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral to the small-size chronology and currency
signers pages, though of course I don't have an image of her signature yet
- December 9, 2004
- Added production data from November BEP report; corrected serial ranges of 1969C
and 1974 $5 star notes after receiving
confirmation of a note outside the official ranges (thanks to Nicholas Cheung for the
umpty-twelfth time!)
- November 28, 2004
- Added a link to WebPressNotes.Com to
the Links & References page
- November 7, 2004
- Added images of Burke and Houston signatures to the Signers of U.S. Currency page; also improved a few images
on other pages
- November 4, 2004
- Added production data from October BEP report
- October 29, 2004
- Added pages for the rest of the 1953 and 1963 USN and SC series
- October 25, 2004
- Added pages for the 1928-1928E and 1934 $1's and the 1963 and 1963A $2's; also adjusted the COPE/conventional
data on the 1969B $1 page after obtaining a
conventional note from a range I'd listed as COPE (thanks to Nicholas Cheung
- October 24, 2004
- Added a page for the 1935-1935D $1's,
showing how all of the odd 1935A printings interlace among other things
- October 23, 2004
- Added pages to the serial numbering section for the 1935E through 1957B $1's and the 1966 and 1966A $100's; also reorganised the links between
the various individual series/denom pages, from Series 1976 backward, to allow for
more complex connexions
- October 15, 2004
- Added a line about uncut sheets and BEP premium products to all applicable
series/denom serial pages
- October 12, 2004
- Added production data from September BEP report
- September 25, 2004
- Added rough serial ranges for the 1950-series $20 FRN stars to the $20 serial number summary page
- September 24, 2004
- Added a table of potential serial ranges for the
Series 1957 inverted 'W' error to the surveys section; also added a main surveys page, and finally listed the surveys on the site
- September 23, 2004
- Added the missing 1988A $1 star run B#2 to the appropriate monthly table, after finally receiving confirmation of
its existence (thanks to Nicholas Cheung on this one!)
- September 13, 2004
- Added rough serial ranges for the 1950-series $50 and $100 FRN stars to the serial
number summary pages for those denominations
- September 9, 2004
- Added production data from August BEP report
- September 6, 2004
- Added the serial ranges for the Hawaii and North Africa star notes (from the new
5th edition of Oakes & Schwartz) to the serials summary pages for each denomination;
tentatively resolved the issue of the 1950E $10 B..* ending serial with data from the
same source
- August 8, 2004
- Added production data from July BEP report; corrected May 2004 $1 F..* range from
Series 2003 to Series 2001
- July 31, 2004
- New site launched
- May 8, 2004
- USPaperMoney.Info domain registered and construction of new site started
Before summer 2004, the site was hosted on my old webspace at the University of
Wisconsin. Just for fun, here's the first
page I ever put together, just to test how the tables would look. It dates back
to October 19, 2000, so I suppose that's the best date I can come up with for the
original creation of the site....
Main Page