Series 1933-1933A $10

Signatures: 1933 Julian-Woodin, 1933A Julian-Morgenthau.
All $10 | Previous $10: 1928C | Next $10: 1934
Contemporary: 1928D-1928E $1 || 1928C $2 || 1928B $5

A breakdown of these series by date of production is not presently available. According to BEP records, all notes of these series were delivered to the Treasury between January and April 1934.

The table below shows the serial number ranges produced for the regular and star notes in these series.

SeriesRegular NotesStar Notes
1933 A 000 00001 A - A 001 84000 A * 000 00001 A - * 000 0???? A
1933 A 001 84001 A - A 002 16000 A * 000 0???? A - * 000 0???? A
1933A A 002 16001 A - A 005 52000 A * 000 0???? A - * 000 08000 A

The highlighted ranges were printed but not released. These notes were still in the Treasury's possession when the first Series 1934 notes were printed, and it was decided to issue the newer version immediately rather than continuing to use the older notes. Almost surely, the range here reported as 1933A actually consisted of mixed 1933 and 1933A notes, following the common practice in the 1928 and 1934 series of various denominations and types, but this cannot now be verified.

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