Series 1935F $1

Signatures: Priest-Anderson.
All $1 | Previous $1: 1935E | Contemporary $1: 1957 | Next $1: 1935G
Other contemporary: 1950B: $5 | $10 | $20 | $50 | $100 || 1953A: $5 | $10 || 1953A: $2 | $5

A breakdown of this series by date of production is not presently available. According to BEP records, notes of this series were delivered to the Treasury between December 1957 and July 1961.

The table below shows the serial number ranges produced for the regular and star notes in this series. Serial numbering continues on from the last serial used for Series 1935E. All complete blocks of regular notes run from 00000001 to 99999999, with the 100,000,000th note replaced by a star note; star notes do not use serials above 99720000. Notice that gaps of 280,000 serials occur frequently in the star notes; these are due to the print runs of mixed regular and star notes that are necessary to complete each block of regular notes (since 100,000,000 notes equals 277 7/9 print runs of 360,000 notes each).

Regular NotesStar Notes
P 810 00001 I - P 999 99999 I * 572 40001 F - * 594 00000 F
Q 000 00001 I - Q 999 99999 I * 596 80001 F - * 684 00000 F
R 000 00001 I - R 999 99999 I * 686 80001 F - * 770 40000 F
S 000 00001 I - S 999 99999 I * 773 20001 F - * 777 60000 F
T 000 00001 I - T 999 99999 I * 780 40001 F - * 828 00000 F
U 000 00001 I - U 999 99999 I * 830 80001 F - * 853 20000 F
V 000 00001 I - V 999 99999 I * 856 00001 F - * 885 60000 F
W 000 00001 I - W 999 99999 I * 888 40001 F - * 932 40000 F
X 000 00001 I - X 999 99999 I * 935 20001 F - * 957 60000 F
Y 000 00001 I - Y 999 99999 I * 960 40001 F - * 997 20000 F
* 000 00001 G - * 007 20000 G
Z 000 00001 I - Z 999 99999 I * 010 00001 G - * 050 40000 G
A 000 00001 J - A 999 99999 J * 053 20001 G - * 075 60000 G
B 000 00001 J - B 540 00000 J * 078 40001 G - * 104 40000 G
B 716 40001 J - B 720 00000 J

Notes with serials B 540 00001 J through B 716 40000 J were printed, but as Series 1935G rather than 1935F. The single print run of 1935F notes with serials B 716 40001 J through B 720 00000 J, in the middle of the 1935G range, was involved in a test of new automated inspection equipment at the BEP. It is not clear why this test caused these notes to have an out-of-date series designation.

Series statistics (explanation)

 NotesBlocks Cplx.
Regular1,173,360,000 1313143262
Star49,560,000 2214147
Totals incl. stars: 1515283409
Star rate:4.22%

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