Welcome to USPaperMoney.Info, home of everything you ever wanted to know about U.S. currency. (Well, almost....)
The largest section of the site is devoted to the serial number tables. Here you can find almost-complete information on the overall serial ranges for all small-size regular and star notes, Series 1928 to present. From 1976 to the present, the serial ranges are also broken down by month of production.
Block and group lists are available back to Series 1935E. The group lists contain basically the same information as the serial tables, minus the dates of production; but some collectors may find this format more useful, since the exact serials printed in all those pesky pre-1995 star note runs are finally listed out in detail.
Much of the serialling data is now available in printer-friendly form, including all of the serial and group lists from Series 1935D through 2009 in one large PDF file.
The history of currency designs gives an overview of the development of U.S. paper money, from the first small-size notes in Series 1928 to the latest "Kodachrome" redesign that concluded with the new colorised $100 note.
A section on signers of U.S. currency has illustrations of all of the Treasury signatures appearing on small-size notes.
The chronology of small-size notes may help in matching up the various series and signature combinations with rough printing dates.
A page on features of current notes explains the meaning of the various small numbers and letters scattered around the paper money designs.
The links and references page contains not only some of the sources for the information on this site, but also some additional websites related to the collecting of paper money.
Finally, there's a good long page of unanswered questions, to which I'd appreciate any well-documented answers you may have.
Comments? Questions? Caught a typo? You can email me here.