Series 2017A $50

Printed May 2020 to present. Signatures: Carranza-Mnuchin.
All $50 | Previous $50: Series 2013
Other Series 2017A: $1 | $2 | $5 | $10 | $20 | $100

The numbers in the table are the first and last notes printed in the given month for the given FRB. Colors indicate notes printed at Washington, DC or Fort Worth, TX. All serial numbers in this series being with P.

Month Federal Reserve District (Second letter of serial number) Star Notes Month
May 20 PA 000 00001 A
PA 096 00000 A
PB 000 00001 A
PB 320 00000 A
PC 000 00001 A
PC 032 00000 A
- - - - - - - - - PB 000 00001 *
PB 001 60000 *
May 20
Jun 20 - - PC 032 00001 A
PC 096 00000 A
PD 000 00001 A
PD 192 00000 A
- - - - - - PK 000 00001 A
PK 064 00000 A
PL 000 00001 A
PL 256 00000 A
PB 032 00001 *
PB 044 80000 *
Jun 20
Jul 20 - - - - PE 000 00001 A
PE 160 00000 A
PF 000 00001 A
PF 192 00000 A
PG 000 00001 A
PG 128 00000 A
PH 000 00001 A
PH 032 00000 A
PI 000 00001 A
PI 032 00000 A
PJ 000 00001 A
PJ 064 00000 A
PK 064 00001 A
PK 160 00000 A
- - Jul 20
Aug 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aug 20

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